Chapter 16

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Stella dropped me off at my place just a couple minutes later. I lived within walking distance, but it was on her way and riding in her warm car was better than prowling the streets in the rapidly approaching winter.

“See you later?”

I nodded. “I promise I won’t be late this time,” I said, hopping out and running toward the house.

After I dropped my school stuff, took a shower and changed into something decent, I’d be out the door again and headed toward the movies to watch some nonsensical zombie apocalypse flick that Josh was just crazy about. Alex and I would tail along, as usual, playing third and fourth wheel to the couple.

It was our standard weekend plan, unless there was some party to attend, and while I stepped under the hot water of the shower, I tried to imagine how it’d be if Trevor were there instead of Alex.

The image short-circuited my brains. Everyone would look at us, yes, but I could learn to live with that. I thought so, at least. However, social ostracism was too much to even consider, and I knew no one else would get used to his company. Josh, for example, wouldn’t put up with the situation.

He was a lot like Ashley, I guessed, but in a masculine way—more direct. Being direct, in his book, didn’t translate into being honest. It became a direct punch to ruin your face instead of convoluted rumors to ruin your reputation. And he was a football player, still in high school, but with the build of a future linebacker, so Trevor's face would not survive the encounter.

Nope, if Stella was right, if I did let myself get carried away and kept seeing Trevor, nights such as this would be over. I added a final touch of mascara and stared at my reflection in the mirror, all glitter and style after a long day of classes.

I wouldn’t give that life up.

It was who I was, wasn’t it?

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