Chapter Five: Transmigrated?!

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"SADIE CHESIRE!" A temperamental voice yelled at her. "Sadie! Are you listening?!" The voice echoed past her ears as her consciousness slowly awoke her. Sadie blinked twice before realizing her setting and location. 

Before then, the mop she was holding on her right hand fell down and the bucket of water which she was also carrying also tumbled and fell to her feet, which splashed water all over the place. 

"Oh my god, Sadie! What are you doing?!" The voice yelled at her. 

Sadie blinked once more and readjusted her eyes and settled it on a young-middle-aged woman who was glaring at her with a nun's dress. "What is the meaning of this?! Cleaning and then messing up the room, Sadie?!" 

"Huh?"  She said loudly instead. "What did I do again?" 

"Madam! I think Sadie isn't feeling very well, it is better if we let her rest first!" a blonde-haired, apron-wearing girl had responded very quickly. "Please forgive us!" 

The middle-aged woman sighed very loudly putting her hands around her chest. "I suppose that I'll let it go this time. Make sure, you clean it up this time, Lotti." Saying this, the woman left the Room with a frustrated expression on her face. 

Sadie couldn't believe her eyes. She felt like she was watching a Historical Drama with medieval architecture, clothing, and accent. Her eyes went down to her the wet floor from a dropped bucket and a mop which was silently looming in the ground. 

'What is this? Cinderella?' 

"Sadie, what the heck?! Are you good?" the blond-haired braided girl, called Lotti, said angrily. "You were quite out of it for seconds! You almost got us in trouble, you idiot!" 

"Hey, you?" Sadie said pointing at the girl, "do I know you?" 

Lotti scrunched her face in confusion to Sadie, she found it hard to believe that she would have such courage to speak up. Lotti rubbed her temples and said: "What do you mean?" 

"I'm asking if I know you." 


"I don't, so shut up," Sadie said glaring at her. "I'm not in a mood right now to play Cinderella either." 

Lotti sneered, "Little Sadie, do you want a glass slipper?" 

"No, why would I want a glass slipper, I want my phone. And the last thing I am going to do is call a lawyer." Sadie said, pulling out her hand. 

Lotti looked at her open hand and slapped it. 


"Sadie Chesire, what the hell is your problem?" Lotti said. "Do you even know what day it is?! And what the hell is a Lawyer!" 

Sadie did not understand how this young little girl knew her name and screamed out at her. Moreover, when Sadie glanced at her hands, she saw herself wearing a white fluffy apron over a black gown that touched her ankles. Her hands seemed to have turned into smaller calloused hands. 

'What the hell is this?! Why am I dressed like a maid? And these aren't my hands-?!' 

Sadie hesitated as she thought it through. Is this what she thought this was-? Transmigration?! No, perhaps even a dream?! 

"Mirror. Do you have a mirror?!" Sadie commanded, looking at Lotti. "I need to look at my face right now!" 

"Sadie, we are not doing makeover girls right now!" Lotti yelled. "We need to finish cleaning up the mess that you created or we are going to be stuck here till super!" 

Who Cares about that damn story!Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant