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"Just leave it to me! I'll become a hero for you!"

"I ask of you, are you, my Master?"

"If it means no one has to cry..."

"This isn't what I wanted..."

"You regret it don't you? And now look... You became nothing but the opposite of justice~"


Pant Pant Pant

A dream... No... It's just him thinking about the past again. Times like these are quite rare. For him to doze off.

Heroic Spirit EMIYA aka Shirou Emiya remains with his eyes closed. Strange he hasn't been transported yet to another mission. Those memories again... The dream with Kiritsugu Emiya. His adoptive father who saved him from the Fuyuki Fire. The memory where he made the contract with the world. His regrets after being forced to kill many. Alaya tormenting him by saying he became the opposite of what he wanted...

That memory of...

No... He has no right to say the name. He notices something is odd. That's strange... Is that a blanket on top of him? When did he ever use blankets? And is he sleeping in a futon? He touches the ground.


Shirou opened his eyes and saw the ceiling.

Wait... Ceiling?

He looks around the place. Has he transported already without him knowing?

He gets up slowly from the futon he was sleeping on. The room didn't have any furniture. It was quite empty. Besides the futon, he slept on of course.

He supposes that he's been transported already. Yet who was it that covered him up in his sleep? Or even wasn't scared of a man like him?

He scratches the back of my head. Sliding the door open. A Japanese home. He must have been summoned around Japan. Yet that's strange... He doesn't have any information from Alaya. Each time he gets transported. Instantly the information floods his mind and he realizes what his target and task are to do. But he has nothing at all...

This place...

He looks around the home. It's... His old home?! N-no. That can't be right. Don't tell him that he's been summoned by... "That" moron.

He continues to look around the place. The home is clean that's for sure. He opens up the curtains a bit and looks out. Bringing up both his hands to block out the sun's light shining down at him.

He forgot how bright the sun can be.

And his hands...

His... Hands?

Shirou widens his eyes as he looks down at his hands taking a step back. Then he rushed to the nearest mirror and his eyes widened again.

What the hell happened to his body?!

He's... Changed... His once white hair was now an auburn color. His steel-colored eyes were golden-brown. And his tanned skin is now pale.

He's... Back in his teenage years...

No... No... This can't be happening... This has to be a dream... Alaya... Don't toy with him like this. It's cruel. Horrible... She's giving him false hope again.

But his body... It feels... Human... This feels way too real. He doesn't feel like he's made of ether.

Don't play with him like this. Don't toy with him. He wishes for this to be real. But he also wishes for this to be fake. He doesn't want to be broken again... The contract has been forged. It cannot be broken. Once the deal was made. Once his soul became part of the Counter Force. There was no going back. So don't toy with him...

"You're awake already, Shirou—" A new voice alerted him. He turned around quickly and was met with a woman. Extremely pale skin. Pure snow-white hair and crimson eyes...

"Onii-Chan." A faint voice he recalled and the memory of a little girl dress with mostly purple and a purple hat came into his mind.  Illya here is... All grown up...


"My my~ You're up quite early~" The Older Illya said.


"Hmm? Something wrong Shirou?"

"Who are you?"

"Huh?" He saw the spur of confusion on the woman's face as he asked her that. He then saw her... Pout? Huh?

"What a mean joke Shirou. You shouldn't joke like that to your mother." The woman said.


"Mm... Seems like you're not quite awake yet. Shirou Emiya wake up before I slap some sense into you!" The woman yelled at him causing him to wince at her voice.

"Iri what's with all the noise this early?" The voice of a rough male spoke.

He widened his eyes at the voice. The sound of footsteps was heard as a black-haired man walked into the living room as well.

"Ah, Shirou. I see you've woken up quite early."


"Dad...?" Shirou asked in confusion.

"Who else could it be?" The man scoffed a bit.

"Shirou seems to be still waking up dear~ When I spoke to jinx he asked me who I was. He's probably half asleep still." "Iri" said.

"I see... Perhaps you should go back to bed Shirou." Kiritsugu informed him.

"It's fine..." He said to them.

"No no. You need some more sleep young man. Have you been staying up late again young man? How many times must we have to tell you to stop overworking yourself!" "Iri" said.


"No buts! I'll ask Sella and Leysritt to do the cooking today so you can have a break for once!" "Iri" said who then walked off.

He can only look on at Kiritsugu who looked back.

"Don't look at me. Listen to your mother. You already know she controls both of our lives." Kiritsugu told him.

"Hey, dad..." He looks at his adoptive father in front of him.

"What is it?"

"Can you teach me magecraft?"

"Didn't I say that I won't be teaching you? I don't want you to be a target. You know how magi are. I already told you." Kiritsugu said to him.

"Will you be participating in the Fifth Holy Grail War, dad?"

"Fifth Holy Grail War? What's a Holy Grail War?"

Shirou widens his eyes at the response.

"You must have had a weird dream for sure." Kiritsugu says. "Off to bed. We'll wake you up when it's time for breakfast and you can get ready for school. Don't forget to pick up Illya from school after you get out remember?"

"Y-yeah..." He weakly said, walking back to his room and shutting the door. Laying down on his futon while looking up.

He's in a parallel world... And he's alive. He's no longer a Heroic Spirit. He's back in his teenage years. The Holy Grail War doesn't exist. Magecraft still exists. How did he get adopted? He doesn't know. All he knows is that he's in a parallel world...

His heart can only beat fast while hope fills his heart of steel once again... He's free... He knows he shouldn't cry... And he's not. But right now, he currently wants to shed tears of joy.



Answers shall be revealed on how this all happened of course! In the future! (No it's not Zelretch. That plot is always overused not gonna lie.)

Word Count: 1,187

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