Chapter 6

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"Ugh..." Shirou said with tiredness as he finally arrived home. "Never again..." Shirou said with a shiver. Opening the door as he then went inside. Proceeding to then close it and lock it.

"I'm home..." Shirou said tiredly, putting the bags of groceries on the kitchen table as he began to put everything away.

"Welcome back." Sella said towards Shirou.

"Welcome..." Leysritt said with low effort as she went back to watching her TV show.

"Ugh... I feel as if I was violated in my sleep." Shirou said. He has no idea what happened when he was out. But he did not like whatever sense of dread and exhaustion he feels at the current moment. Perhaps it was just the Mapo Tofu speaking in his stomach.

"You took longer than expected. Did something happen?" Sella asked.

"I ate the spiciest thing in my life. That's what happened... Ugh..." Shirou said with a groan. He has a headache now... Why must he be so stupid?

"Ah..." And he fainted once again right in the kitchen. Today he has experienced hell.


"What to do on a weekend..." Shirou muttered.

"Help out of course!"

"Fuji-Nee..." Shirou only looks on at Taiga Fujimura with a sad look. "I almost feel bad for your future husband." Shirou said with a fake pint of pity and sympathy as he put away another bow.

"Oi! What are you trying to say Shirou?!" Taiga yelled at Shirou who looked to the side innocently.

"Nothing at all Fuji-Nee. Perhaps you're already going delusional. As expected from someone old like y— Gah—"


Shirou holds his head in pain as he got hit with Fuji-Nee's Shinai.

"Ouch..." Shirou said in pain, continuing to hold his head in pain.

"Hmph! That should teach you a lesson! Respect your Onee-Chan!" Taiga said furiously.

"There's not a hint of respect to give you!" Shirou barked back, this time he dodged out of the way in time. "Ha! You missed!" Shirou said with a grin.

"Be happy I'm going easy on you!" Taiga said who leaped at Shirou who can only yelp at the sudden speed. Dodging out the way as he then grabbed a kendo stick quickly and began sending his own blows back.

"Of course you'll be a delinquent! You're in your rebellion phase in life! I'll have to knock some sense into you!" Taiga said.

"Bring it on... I'm no rebel. You're just no match for me."

"Tell that to all the other matches we've had in Kendo." Taiga said who slashed at Shirou as he slashed at her as well. Both clashing against each other with gritted expression.

"You're not known as 'Tiger' for no reason Fuji-Nee..." Shirou said as he struggled with his guardian. "You really act like one as well." Shirou said.

"Oi! I'm no tiger! And stop calling me!" Taiga yelled back at Shirou as they both jumped back and began battling one another.



Ayako and Sakura can only watch as they both hack and slash at one another. If this continues on... They'll seriously get hurt. Besides, they've got a lot of cleaning up to do.

"Let's just finish up... They're not gonna stop any time soon." Ayako said with a sigh as she began picking up some of the equipment and began putting it away.

Sakura can only agree in silence as she as well began putting away some of the equipment. As she picked up a package. She looked over at Taiga and Shirou who were still at it. Yelling loudly at each other. She smiles as she looked at the two, they're really like siblings.

Those two can never be at peace together, can they..?


"Seriously... What's her deal? It's not my fault I was just being honest..." Shirou said with a sigh as he put on his shoes and put away his indoor shoes into his locker. Shutting it behind as he groans. She really doesn't go easy... Then again... He went easy on her at the end of the day. He should never get serious because he can cause some serious damage.

"I guess things never do change... Do they?" Shirou chuckled. He can't believe he's saying this, but...

He really did miss Taiga.

Though he frowned at the thought... And guilt hit him once again.

New world or not... He broke his promise to her.

He remembers...

The last time he saw her... He gave her the key to the house. She asked him if he will ever come back... And he promised he will...

He never came back...

No... At worst... He abandoned her. Left her and everyone else that knew him. He abandoned the very same people he was close to.

He broke his promise to her.

It's been years now... Many many years... It's been so long. Time works differently outside of space and time. As a Counter Guardian. It's hard to assume how much real-time passed. How many years passed. To him, it's felt more than an eternity. Might as well guess it could have been centuries or more. Decades. Hell, who knows? But to him, much time has passed... But how much time has passed in his world?

Him not coming back home. Not getting back the keys which he told Taiga to hold on to until he came back...

How worried is she of him? Does she know he died? Does she know he was killed and scapegoated by the true mastermind of a war that would have killed many?

How is she doing right now?

Shirou blinked as he continued to stare at the floor.

How is... Everyone?

Shirou drifted off into an empty space. His mind and body going blank.

How cruel...

Can he really consider himself to be a great guy at all? No... He never even acknowledged that he was a great guy, to begin with.


He's horrible in every way...

He left everyone behind. He didn't care about them... For their safety? Perhaps he did... But in the end, he left them all in the dark.

And the worst part...

He's now basically replacing them all in this new world...

In the end... He really isn't a Hero of Justice...

How cruel fate can be...


Word Count: 1,048

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