Buy the published version of Paladin!

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Welcome, new and old readers, to the world of Paladin!

I've been working my butt off for the past few months (and really, the past four years) to whip Paladin into publishing shape, and the day of reckoning is heeeere (sorry, I'm just a little excited). 

Paladin is now published as a digital ebook and hardback on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, iBooks, Smashwords and Kobo.

This is a new and improved version of Paladin - professionally edited and revised, and the best dang thing I've ever written. It is different (and yes, better) than the version that is posted to Wattpad.

If you're interested in purchasing a copy, the buy links are posted to my Wattpad profile, and I've included the link to Paladin on Amazon as the external link. You can also visit my website

Thank you to everyone on Wattpad who has continued to believe in me through all the ups and downs on the road to getting Paladin published. I wouldn't have gotten here without you.

With much <3


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