Bonus #4

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Alexander King

I hated to admit it but I was becoming an old man. I didn't feel old, I was healthy and fit for forty three years old but I was looking more and more like my father every day. With sprouting grey hair, wrinkles engraving themselves on my face and the infrequent back pains that struck... I was officially becoming an older man.

Being a forty three year old with salt and pepper hair and wrinkles and then being married to a thirty six year old woman who still looked the same as she did ten years ago was hard. Everyday she would point out my grey hairs while her hair was still lusciously brown and not a single permanent wrinkle on her smooth and creamy face. How? I didn't know how she looked so young but it was annoying.

I blamed my old age features on the kids.

"Look there's another one!"

Groaning, I glare at her from my seat on the kitchen stool. "Baby please stop pointing out my grey hairs. I get it, I'm ageing but you don't have to tell me everyday."

A frown makes it way on to her beautiful face. "You're not old. I think you look better with grey hair... it's very attractive and you are still, and always will be, exceedingly handsome. You look the same as the first day I met you."

Instantly my sour mood vanishes and a grin takes it place. Gripping her waist, I pull her inbetween my legs, placing a searing kiss on her lips. "Say it again."

Her angelic laugh is music to my ears. Even after all these years I'm still so deeply in love with her, falling in love with her a little bit more every single day. "You're handsome."

"Sexy?" I wink with a teasing grin. Blushing, she nods and pecks my lips. Just when she's about to pull away I grip her neck, devouring her plump lips with mine, caressing her tongue with mine, erupting a moan from both of us.


Pulling away, I glare at the interruption. "Aurora... go away."

With a laugh, Oaklee playfully swats at my chest and moves away. I pout at the distance. I hardly get my alone time with my wife anymore, I have to sneak kisses when they're not looking which is rare. I love being a father but I miss being able to kiss my wife whenever I please.

Our first daughter, Aurora, now eight, is absolutely beautiful; dark brown wavy hair, a tiny stature but my eyes and a mixture of our two skin tones.

"Mummy! Can I go over the fields?" Aurora skips closer, a hopeful grin on her face. She's the spitting image of Oaklee even at only eight years old, the only difference is that Oaklee has the paleness of an eskimo and Aurora has beautiful and creamy dark caramel skin.

"Do you want all of us to go?" Oaklee asks and our eldest nods with a grin. "Silas! Grab your coat and shoes. We're going on a walk."

Footsteps awaken from above and not a minute our six year old only son runs in, coat in one hand and trainers in the other. My only boy looks exactly like me when I was that age.

Am I bias in saying our children are absolutely gorgeous?

"I need you all to get ready yourselves while I get Clara, can you all do that?" God, why is she so sexy when she's in mamma mode? I can't keep my eyes off her as she walks out the room, her hips swaying. Having another kid wouldn't hurt...

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