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                  "Wow Rio need to call my name like that" Ryan mumbled watching Good Girls

Ryan's whole name was Ryan Elizabeth Rodriguez and ever since she watched Good Girls she always wanted a nigga to say her middle name like Rio be sayin Beth's name

Somebody stared knocking on her office door making her jump and switch tabs

"Come in"

The door opened and JJ and Diddy walked in

damn i forgot Ryan thought

"Hey" she smiled

"Wassup" Diddy nodded taking in her appearance

she mad pretty He thought

"Hey Ms Rodriguez" JJ mumbled softly before walking over to her

She frowned a little trying to see what he was going to do

"Hug" he mumbled

"Aww" she mumbled hugging him a little

It lowkey surprised the hell out of Diddy cause JJ hated hugging people

"Okayyy we should start the session" she said sitting in her chair

JJ sat on the couch and Diddy sat at the tables getting on his phone

It was JJ fifth time coming and he. could say he some what liked coming to talk to Ryan

"So it seem that we're making progress which is greattt .. how you're feeling today"?

JJ put a thumbs up

"Try to use your words this session okay"?

"Okay" he mumbled

"Okay you said your day was good , what do you have a lot of .. good days or bad days"?


"What makes your day bad"?


JJ hates school , he barely had friends to talk to .. even tho he hardly talk he at least wanted somebody to make an effort which they didn't

"So i see you lived with your momma at a time , how was it like over there"?


Diddy put his phone down to focus on what was going on

"Why was that"?

"She was mean"

"Okay .. what she did that was mean"?


"Did she hit you"?

He shook his head no

"Did anybody around her hit you"?

He shook his head no

"Did anybody touch you down there"?

JJ hesitantly shook his head no which Ryan caught on too

"Okay JJ you can go over there and play for a second"

He nodded and got up walking away

"So when i asked him that he shook his head no"

"Okay"? Diddy frowned

"But you could see he didn't really want to say no it seemed like he was constipating on what he wanted to say. I don't wanna jump to conclusions or anything but imma keep that in mind"

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