Dorm Room 210: Phones Hold Value

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Author note: This chapter has been revised and edited. Updated 13th July 2017

Instagram: @broken_dream07

Chapter 11:

Phones Hold Value

Noah and I do study the next day. Together, we make our way to the library, our assignment papers and text books in front of us on the table. The eye-bags under his eyes remain dark, but his smile lights up his face. For a moment, I lose myself with his illusion.

"You came back mad yesterday. Did something happen at your parent's house?"

He arched his eyebrow for a second out of surprise. "Raven told you."

"All I know is that you guys went to visit."

"Part B is due soon," he says, highlighting a section in his book and typing it out on his laptop. "I already wrote the draft, and the basic dot points for section C."

I tap against the text book in front of me and then against my drink bottle, understanding his need to steer away from family. "Okay. When do you want me to review it?"

"It's a waste of time right now." he says. "If we change something, put it on a note. I'll add it in later. You can review it when it's finished."

"But that can take days." I inhale sharply. We're not on the same level. "Can't you just let me see it now?"

He shakes his head. "It's not ready to be looked at."

I hold onto the phone, hesitant to argue with him. He catches my eye, and all form of the professional matter between us disappear. Noah looks at me with openness and a curiosity that makes me want to hide in fear of finding out about my past.

Clearing my throat, I ask, "What's up?"

"There's only a couple more weeks until the term is over. Have any plans?"

"No," I say honestly, crossing off a dot point.

"You should hang out with us. Nicole and Rachel would like to have another girl in the group when we go clubbing."

My chest swells with joy, my cheeks warm to my ears. It's hard to contain the sudden burst of asking him if he was sure, that I was not going to be a bother, but I look at him looking at me, and my trust in his invitation changes.

"Thanks Noah," I mutter, pressing my knuckles to my mouth to avoid over thanking him.

He shifts beside me, chair scraping against the wooden floor. "Anytime. So, what did you say to Rachel to get you go dress shopping?"

"I was going to a restaurant with a friend I made. Why?"

Noah cleared his voice. "Did she comment on that night since?"

"No. Should she have?"

Noah hovers his fingers over the keyboard. "Not really."

I stop breathing. The air in my lungs fall flat in my chest. He's not looking at me. "She knows."

"She assumes something." He frowns. "The limo that night really wasn't a great idea."

"Wait, wait." I hold my hands up. "I just need to catch my breath."

"Sunshine, are you okay?"  

I take a deep breath in, remembering the technique Mahla taught me, but I feel like I'm not holding it in long enough. I try again, but there's no progress. I should have known my happiness never lasts. Stupid to think so. Stupid, stupid!

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