chapter 19

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Helen's pov

Today is the most horrible day my stomach is hurting and I can't even walk why do girls have to go through this i curse myself as I drag myself to the bathroom periods are really painful I can't even bare that pain every step I take I feel like ahh forget it I can't even describe I hop in the shower today is an important meeting and Roger had asked me to prepare some important papers but this pain is killing me I can't even take pain killers because it affects me the next day after I'm done with my breakfast I pack around ten pads in my bag I want to tell Roger but I can't Charlie would have understood as I sit in the car Roger informs new the meeting will be at two so I have enough time to get the papers ready when we reach office I run to the washroom to change and when I come back I noticed that Roger was busy with his work in the past three hours I have visited the washroom twice I can't concentrate on my work and how am I supposed to get them ready still i try my best and I finish my work Charlie and Mr Davidson Willbe there for the meeting I need to prove myself but I hope I have done my work properly which I doubt soon before the meeting starts I change again and then Roger gestures me to accompany him to the meeting everyone is already present and the moment Roger starts the meeting and then looks at the paper work I can see a frown on his face and I guess he is angry "miss Druman can't you get a simple job done you are here to help me not to create more problems what the hell is this where are the stats you have not mentioned any data now what am I supposed to speak of you are just disgusting and worthless person who can't handle anything now get the hell out of here" he shouted "babe  just wait can you excuse us for a minute I'm really sorry " Charlie said and everyone left except Charlie Mr Davidson and Roger " what happened baby tell me why didn't you finish are you ok " Charlie asked and I nodded " why are you so quite today hmm come here" Charlie said and hugged me " it's ok baby look here it won't pain much okay sit " Charlie said and I shook my head " don't look at them I know what your going through why did you come to work today come now let me take you to your cabin and do t worry about this I will reschedule it ok and here have this it will ease your pain" he said and handed me a hot water bag and a cup of warm coffee and after I was done he carried me to Rogers cabin and placed me on the couch " now rest " he said I geld his hand " you remember "I asked " yes baby I do it's your first day right now sleep " he said "no you sit here" I said as I patted the place besides me "sit here and work " I said and he smiled I placed my head on his lap and fell asleep  I woke up to a thrashing sound when I opt my eyes I saw that Rogers table was empty and everything was fallen everywhere and Charlie was still sitting besides me "you are awake baby now go change I will drop you home " he said and kissed my cheek " okay and thank you Charlie " I said and returned the kiss on his cheek I was feeling better still a long  day ahead when I returned from the washroom I noticed that the table was missing infact it was upside down but before I could open my mouth and ask Charlie dragged me out "you didn't carry me " I asked " no not now otherwise the next thing to break will be my head on the wall " Charlie said I didn't ask him further because I was confused Charlie took me to his place and prepared dinner my favourite pasta but with lots of veggies which I don't like and then he was feeding me like a baby he knows that if he doesn't I won't eat and that will only increase my pain after I was full he insisted that I eat more but before I coy fall asleep he  dropped me Rogers place this time he carried me to my room and asked me to be home till it was over he waited till Roger came and once he was here Charlie left " now go and rest okay and no phone understood" he said I nodded and he laughed " behave okay and act like a good girl " charlie said " hmm I will miss you " I said " me too baby  take care" Charlie said " hmm I love you Charlie" I said "me too baby now go sleep" he said and left.

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