Chapter 10

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They started dating, because Khushi wanted to take it slow. It took Arnav nearly 3 months, before he got a declaration of love out of her. Another 3 months before he popped the question, and six more months before she accepted.

Almost five years after Khushi's divorce had gone through, Arnav and Khushi got married in a small civil ceremony, with only Dai Ma, Lavanya, NK and Sister Teresa as the wedding guests. Arnav didn't believe in huge, religious ceremonies and Khushi did not want a grand wedding. She'd had one before, and it hadn't turned out at all well. They did have a grand reception, inviting all of Arnav's colleagues and Khushi's classmates and professors. She officially changed her name to Khushi Arnav Singh Raizada, saying it gave her name a gravitas that Khushi Gupta just didn't. She was only too glad to drop the last vestiges of her past.

It took another 2 months after the wedding for Khushi and Arnav to consummate the marriage. Her previous encounters with sex had scarred Khushi, and Arnav did not want to push her, afraid it would bring about a relapse in her mental condition. Two months after their wedding, exactly five years to the day Khushi had first seen Arnav watching her through the window of the physiotherapy gym, she wore her sexist nightgown and set about seducing her husband. And succeeded beyond her wildest dreams.

He was gentle and patient with her, and she was thrilled that her body responded to him without her conscious thought. Arnav called in two vacation days, and Khushi skipped two days of college, because they couldn't get enough of each other. Arnav was beyond cloud nine when Khushi turned to him after their second session and asked shyly, "I never knew it could be like this. Could we do this again, please?"

Dai Ma left a brunch tray in front of their door, with a note saying she was taking off to a friend's place for the next week. She asked them to call her back when they decided to rejoin civilization. It took 5 days. Fortunately, Dai Ma had stocked the fridge and the pantry, so they could manage with very few interruptions. After Khushi's semester exams were over, Arnav took 3 weeks off, and they flew to Coorg for their honeymoon. They spent one day looking around Coorg and taking pictures, and the rest of the time holed up in their hotel suite, getting to know each other better.

The last trip Khushi made to Delhi was to attend Sister Teresa's funeral. Sister had passed away in her sleep quietly and without fuss, like she'd lived her life. Her funeral was well attended, and Khushi realized just how much she had touched people's lives, when she recognized a lot of the people attending as orphans who had gone through the system. As the final proof of her love, Sister Teresa left Khushi all her material possessions, apologizing for how meagre they were. Khushi cried over every single item, Arnav trying to soothe her, patting her back and hugging her close. Then she donated them all to the church, keeping Sister's rosary, Bible and apron as keepsakes. Another weeping jag when she opened the bible and noted her name written in neat letters on it at the end of the list of family names, the day she'd been found at the railway station and had entered Sister Teresa's life.

"I'm an orphan now, Arnav. I'm really an orphan now", she wept in his arms.

Six months later, Lavanya and NK had gotten married and a year later, Lavanya gave Khushi the news that she was pregnant. NK quit his job and started his own security company in Mumbai, and Khushi's last tie with Delhi was cut off.

Present day.

"Hey, why are you awake so early?"

Khushi turned around to see Arnav walking into the dining room, still half asleep, rubbing his eyes and yawning.

"Why did you wake up?"

"I couldn't sleep without you beside me"

"Like you'd miss me with your favorite pillow there", Khushi said wryly.

He walked over to her and moved her up the seat, taking a seat behind her, then pulling her back into his chest, holding her, one arm around her waist, the other around her shoulder. He'd seen the shadows in her eyes, and just wanted her to know he'd be there with her.

"You ok, Jaan?"

"Mmhmmmm" she cuddled into him.

They sat there in the early morning quiet, staring at the ocean, as the first light of the sun lit up the morning sky. The night had ended, and another bright day had begun.

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