Chapter - 7

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Before Nadia could fall, an arm came behind her and caught her.

Nadia was still screaming. Her heart was pumping. She was scared out of her wits.

She reflexively hit whoever it was on their face and backed away.

Who was that? She had heard nothing. She was crouching down on the ground, gearing up for fight or flight , whichever came first.

"Nadia, are you back? When did you come back?" A voice called from inside the house.

"Mother?" Nadia said breathlessly.

Her mother's voice calmed Nadia down a tad bit. She looked at the stranger again, it was a man? She could hardly see his face . She stood up slowly and looked at him properly . He was a foot or so taller than Nadia . He was wearing an oversized coat with a large scarf covering his neck and most of his face. He smelled like... waffles. Why did he smell like waffles?

Was it the same man her mother was talking to? Was he in the house just a few seconds ago? Then how was he behind her suddenly? She should have heard the front door opening but she had heard nothing. He also decided to creep up behind her and scare her half to death.

He had his hand on his head where Nadia had hit him and was laughing. Head tilted back, howling with laughter as if he had heard the best gag of his life. Nadia suddenly realized what she had done, she had hit someone for the first time in her life. But was laughing a correct response to someone hitting you? Nadia wondered if she had perhaps hit him a little too hard on the head.

"I am so sorry. I didn't mean to hit you" Nadia's expression changing from fear to guilt.

"Its alright, miss. In your defense I did startle you. But, boy, you sure know how to use your fists.", the man said.

Nadia flinched. What was with his voice? It seemed like he was talking from somewhere in his chest. Do all men have same deep voices like that? It had to be for show! Nobody could have that kind of voice.

The man spoke again, "Why don't we talk inside? Its really chilly tonight." He moved sideways and motioned his arm for her to lead the way.

Nadia stood still for a second and then huffed in her head, Why thank you. It is my house!

"Okay" Nadia mumbled instead. He sounded way too intimidating for her to throw smart-ass answers at him.

They walked into the house, Nadia could feel his gaze on the back of her head. She had to resist the impulse to guard her head somehow. If he was going for retaliation for the earlier blow, this was the time.

Once inside the house, she came upon a scene she could never imagine. There was another man. A lot older with an authoritarian look on his face, sitting on the couch. He wore a tight crisp black suit and sat upright in the most impeccable manner.

Nadia was certain he was actually a lot older than he made himself look. He glanced at Nadia as she came in. He acknowledged her briefly and then went back again to some book he was holding. He was making the phrase, "Make yourself at home" look bad. He acted as if it was a natural occurrence for him to sit at someone else's house and not even introduce himself.

Nadia wanted to say something, but chose not to . Her mother was sitting on a chair beside him. She looked...concerned? Scared? She looked at Nadia and she was sure she was going to be shouted at,

"Why are you back so early?" Repeating again, really was that all she had say, say something mother, what is this situation? Which of these men is your lover? Who is this old guy who is acting all high and entitled, Nadia wanted to ask.

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