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⚠️Warning ⚠️
There is a long chapter ahead
Read at your own risk


Even adter refusing many times, Shifa's papa sends all new furniture for my room and only Allah knows how many more countless things... I was amazed at myself, I was ordering house help to set my room differently just because I was going to get married.

All the ladies of my family and relatives were gathered in the hall of my home as they were enjoying the mehndi function. Usually, the mehndi function is done in the bride's home but here every girl and woman were enjoying it in their own way, thankfully they didn't made a demand in front of me to put mehndi on my hands.

"Daniyal, Shifa se baat Hui?" I listened to the well known voice and turned to saw him.

(Have you talk to Shifa?)

"You... Here? At this time?" Instead of answering, I questioned him. It's not usual for David to leave radio station at this time but he came to company me.

"Hmm... Just..." Before he could reply my gaze travelled to a servant who was cleaning my cupboard and discarding the old clothes. His hand was holding a wooden box. "Don't touch that." I couldn't help myself just yelled and snatched the box away from his hand.

"What's wrong dude? What's in this?" David asked after seeing my expressions and I realised I was more than enough loud. Poor servant was looking scared and pale. I do not like to shout on servants and maids to show myself superior but I'm sure, I would react in the same way if anyone would touch this box.

"I'm sorry." Apologising for my rudeness I gestured the help to continue his work.

"What made you mad? What's in this?" David asked and I open the box, It was holding all the letters I had written for Adeena but never post them as I didn't know where was she. "Amanat hai kisi ki." Mumbling that I look at the box and letters present in them. They were not only letters but my feelings for her.

(It belongs to someone else.)

"Who's this someone else? Don't tell me it's Adeena." David asked while holding the in his hands and picked one envelope from it. It was sealed so as all the others, without any address or name present on that. Somehow he understood the truth without any of my answer.

"Forget her and move on."

"I've already moved on, but I can't forget her." I took the letter and box from his hand and moved toward my cupboard where I find out a secure place between my clothes.

"It's not what you can name moving on, Daniyal." Mumbled David like a scolding and I looked at him with questioning eyes. "Then what's the meaning of moving on?"

"Try to develop feelings for Shifa,"

"I already have feelings for her, feeling of respect, care and support..." I said everything from my heart but he glared me. Why do best friends behave like parents?

"And love? Where is love in all these?"

"Nowhere! We don't need love in our relationship." I stated the truth, I could have every feeling for Shofa but love because I reserved al my love for Adeena only. Before David could say or ask anything else someone knocked on the already open door of my room and soon he handed me the sherwani I had to wear tomorrow.

"Thoda to khush ho le yaar, teri hi shadi hai." David tried to cheer me up and I grinned before hanging the shervani.

(Be happy, my friend, it's your wedding.)

Synthesis of Scattered Pieces ✔️Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα