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❛ agonising overprotective brothers. ❜

𝐍𝐨𝐯𝐚 𝐡𝐚𝐝 𝐧𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫 𝐡𝐚𝐝 𝐚 𝐛𝐨𝐲𝐟𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐝 𝐛𝐞𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐞, well, not a proper one

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𝐍𝐨𝐯𝐚 𝐡𝐚𝐝 𝐧𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫 𝐡𝐚𝐝 𝐚 𝐛𝐨𝐲𝐟𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐝 𝐛𝐞𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐞, well, not a proper one. Sure she had kissed a handful of teens at parties and such, but she had never committed herself to anyone - something which scared her slightly.

She felt silly at the blush which adorned her cheeks when she fluttered her eyes open and realised she was wrapped tightly in Liam's arms. Having both passed out after the Dunbar boy happily agreed to them dating, the two slept peacefully through the night, something which neither had done in a while.

Nova smiled at the brunette who had been fighting with the revelation from the supernatural, and she felt herself becoming soft for the boy who was now her boyfriend. She moved slightly to card her fingers through his soft hair, scratching softly along his scalp with her painted nails as his head had moved to her chest in his sleep-induced state.

The blonde felt awful for not realising how much he was struggling. Even though she had her own problems to deal with currently, when she created a strong bond with someone, romantically or platonically, she cared for them deeply and would put them before herself any day. Liam's dark eyelashes fluttered against his cheek once the girl began to move her fingers down his face and gently across his bare back. He felt like he was heaven when he woke up in the dimly lit room with the attractive Hale teen caressing his skin.

"Morning..." The boy whispered out before groaning out in annoyance once the girl had moved from his side. He went to grab the blonde gently, who let out a squeal in surprise once he had brought her back down to his chest; the comforter soon back around the two into a cocoon.

The teen's hands were cold as they slid under Nova's shirt; feeling shocked was an understatement at the contact he had prompted against her naked skin - not that she was complaining. The girl sighed into the boy's touch before leaning back to gaze at his softened and slightly puffy face, a stark contrast from last nights emotions.

"What?" Liam questioned as he couldn't help the smile that rose when the other supernatural cupped his rosy cheeks, pulling his face closer to hers.

"Nothing, just admiring my boyfriend."

The statement made both teens blush, and Liam was quick to grab the girls hand, intertwining them, then pressing a soft kiss to her knuckles, before a light one to Nova's lips which she happily returned. The blonde tilted her face to the side as the two's noses brushed against each other. The grip on the girl was tight, as if Liam thought his girlfriend would disappear if he were to let go. But reality soon came crashing down on the two once the blaring of the alarm went off. Pressing a swift kiss just below the boy's ear, Nova soon pushed herself off the teen's bed and into his en-suite.

Luckily, she had packed a few essentials before rushing from home last night, so she was quick to change into some new clothing and make herself presentable. It seemed like Liam was in a slightly better mood once she had made her way back into his bedroom, as he was prompt to hold out his hand for the girl to grab, which she happily did.

The two's hands stayed tightly connected the whole walk to school. Nova could sense the boy's uprising anxiety about the Berserkers once arriving at Beacon Hills High, so she did feel somewhat bad about leaving him alone so she could find Scott and give him her spare key to the loft. But once spotting Mason, she ushered her boyfriend in his direction with a bright smile before giving him a fleeting peck on the lips goodbye.

Now looking for the Alpha, she didn't have to wait long as she was soon being pulled into an empty classroom by the arm. Ready to snap at whoever dared touch the Hale decent, she was quick to shut her mouth once she realised who it was. Both Scott and Stiles stood there, one looking slightly confused whist the werewolf of the two had a stern look on his face.

"God Scott, what crawled up your ass this morning? And don't you dare say, Kira, that's so gross." Nova huffed out after a minute of silence from the two best friends who stared down at the girl. Scott scoffed at the girl's comment but soon spoke up once he saw her eyes turn to slits in annoyance.

"You can talk, you stink of my beta, and don't even get me started on those hickeys on your neck. What would your mom and dad think about all of this? Huh?" The man almost barked out as he crossed his arms over his chest in irritation at the girl he saw as a sister possibly having relations with the new wolf. Nova felt her face go red at the thought of people seeing the mark Liam had left the previous night after she had asked him to be her boyfriend, but Stiles soon interrupt once she tried to defend herself.

"Approximately, all I'm hearing is sex, sex, and sex. So let's stop all this talking and just ground her until she's sixty and has gone through the menopause." The Stilinski teen concluded which his best friend stupidly nodded in reply too.

"You can't ground me! Your not my par- you know what. Screw this, Liam and I are dating, and I expect you both to be grownups about it, so Scotty boy, learn how to take a chill pill and Stiles - I will personally rip your throat out with my teeth if you ever mention my name in the same sentence as the word sex. Got it?"

The best friends faces were stuck in shock at the revelation of the teens dating. Nova didn't intend to tell anyone this soon, but the constant judgement from the boys made her snap. It was Stiles who went to speak up first, but with a gentle smack from the boy beside him, all eyes shot to Scott.

"As long as you're happy, Nova, you know we'll always be there for you. Your pack is your family. That comes with everything, including the good and the bad. Just don't go breaking each other's hearts," The werewolf wholeheartedly spoke out as he thought back to his first love and how infatuated he was with the brunette teen. The anger at the two freshmen had subsided once he realised they generally liked each other, and even the fierce look from Stiles didn't make him take back his blessing.

"Do you mean that, or are you just buttering me up so you can have sex with Kira in my house?" Nova softly spoke out as she was questioning his fast change in emotion. But a roll of the eyes from the McCall boy was all it took for her to give him a quick hug before tossing him her spare keys and leaving for class. It was the comment from the human that made her snort into the emptiness of the hallways as she departed.

"God she makes me wanna be fifteen again and ruin my life differently. I have new ideas."

o. 𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐩𝐞𝐜𝐭 𝐭𝐞𝐞𝐧𝐚𝐠𝐞 𝐠𝐢𝐫𝐥𝐬.

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