03: alondra

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Part of me was surprised that Jack didn't continue following me earlier, but I was glad he didn't. He seems nice, but the conversation we had only affirmed what I'd previously thought about him having everything handed to him.

Calc III is a junior level course so I'm not surprised he assumed I wasn't a freshman. This is what I get for taking college classes in high school. Silly me for thinking that by doing that I'd get to go to TCU.

But seriously? He doesn't remember everyone he's hooked up with?

If that doesn't tell me that I was right to not give him my number at the bar while I was pretending to be Alex, I don't know what else would.

I walk straight into Margot's room to see the room pitch black thanks to her blackout curtains. I flip the lights on and she groans, pulling the pillow over her head. "I told you last night I was coming over so you would know not to take a nap."

I don't think I've ever met someone who loves napping as much as Margot does.

"Al I had an eight a.m. and I got three hours of sleep last night. Can't you come back later," She whines and I hop onto the bed next to her.

"Nope. You promised we could hangout today. Maybe if you didn't stay up all night FaceTiming your boyfriend, you would sleep while everyone else does!"

Margot lifts the pillow off her face and shoves it at me as I laugh. "I felt bad because he works the night shift at the gym. I like to keep him company."

"He'll survive. You, however, won't if you continue staying up all night." I reply as she brushes her dark hair out of her face. She has dark bags underneath her tanned skin. Margot's from St Paul too and grew up with Pritchett and I, but her parents are immigrants from Mexico. I've always been jealous of her complexion and the fact that she was raised bilingual.

I took six years of Spanish and can barely piece together a sentence other than my name is Alondra.

"Al I just want to sleep," Margot whines and I shake my head.

"You should have told Hudson that last night."

Margot yawns and stretches, "Whatever. How's Jack?"

"Annoying. Wait..." I pause to look at her curiously, "How do you know about Jack?"

"Pritchett can't keep her mouth shut."

Figures. She really is terrible about gossiping. "When did she tell you?"

"Yesterday in Comp I."

"At least she held it in for the weekend," I say, almost surprised she kept it in that long.

Margot grins at me, "I think it was killing her. She was almost bursting at the seams when she bolted to her seat to tell me that you kissed one of your dad's players."

"Jack thinks he's going to get in trouble with my dad if he finds out. I'm certainly not going to tell him. Do I look like I want to be buried alive?" I ask Margot who giggles in response.

"God Mr. B would kill you if he found out. You're just too hot for your own good, but so is Jack."

I roll my eyes, "Tell me about it. There's nothing more unattractive than a guy who knows he's hot."

"So why did you kiss him then?"

"Because Pritchett wasn't going to let me leave the bar until I did something outside my comfort zone." I reply, trying to ignore the butterflies that flutter in my stomach at the thought of kissing Jack. If only he didn't play hockey, I might have considered giving him a chance. But it's for the best that I didn't give him my number. I flop backwards on the bed as Margot pulls a sweatshirt on.

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