3. Beautiful

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A month had already passed since Minjae's first day of kindergarten and she had been loving every minute of it since she made a 'best friend'. She would always talk about him and I did not like it one bit since he was a boy. I did not want any boys near my precious baby but I guess I had to deal with it now.

"Mr Jeon, the meeting room is set and Ms Lee has just arrived. They are waiting for you." Leanne, my secretary broke me out of my thoughts. I looked at her and just nodded before leaving my office and heading to the meeting room where everyone was waiting.

Getting into the room I greeted everyone and they all bowed. There were some new faces and I was shocked to see only one woman in there. I'm guessing that she was Me Lee. She was very beautiful.

From time to time during the whole meeting I would find myself staring at her. Her every move intrigued me and when I thought she couldn't get any better she started speaking.  Her voice was very light and delicate yet so cold making me lose my mind.

"Thank you." She bowed and sat back down. I only then realized that I heard nothing of what she had said.

I decided to snap out of my wonderland and focus on the meeting that was taking place.


The meeting had just ended and I was bidding everyone goodbye. My heart was beating rapidly as it was time for me to say a few words to Ms Lee before she left. As she stepped forward I could feel everything start to move in slow motion. Her beauty was even more breathtaking up close.

"It was nice meeting you Mr Jeon. I look forward to working with you." Her soft voice woke me up from my thoughts making my heart beat after than it has ever done before.

"The pleasure is all mine Ms Lee." I voiced out in the most love sick tone I had ever heard.

I just wanted to pull her into my arms and never let her go. After bidding her goodbye I watched her walk away with her assistant until she disappeared from my sight.

My heart was still beating like crazy at the thought of her but I managed to control it.

"Mr Jeon..." My secretary appeared out of no where scaring the living day lights out of me.

"Yes Leanne." I answered trying to calm my heart from the shock I had just suffered.

"We have a problem. It seems that Mr Choi just set up an unscheduled meeting and wants you there immediately. He said if you do not attend he will cancel the deal with our company." She explained with a worried look on her face.

That old man was always a pain in the butt. Just because he has the leading company does not mean he can treat everyone the way he wants.

"Ok... please get everything ready. We will leave in the next ten minutes." I sighed out realizing that I would not be able to pick up my baby today.

Sighing out again I pulled out my phone to do something I never thought I would do ever in my life. The phone began ringing and on the third ring the person answered.

"What a pleasant surprise my lov-" she answered in a sickingly sweet tone which I could handel so I cut her off.

"Stop with the crap Lena. I just called to tell you to pick Minjae up from kindergarten today since I have a meeting till late. She comes out at four so please make sure to pick up my daughter." I explained to her hoping that she would actually be listening.

"Anything for you my love I'll pick her up at exactly four."

"Okay, don't be late. Bye." I said and hung up before she could even say anything more.


After the extremely long meeting I walked out of the Jeon's company to my car. I was finally done with work and I could go pick my son up. I had been waiting all day since I had first dropped him off.

It had been a month since he was in kindergarten and he seemed to be adjusting very well there. I was very happy whenever we would come home and he would tell me about every little detail of his day. He even made a best friend which made me even more happy.

"MOMMY!" I heard a happy squeal and when I turned my baby jumped into my arms without giving me a chance to look at him.

"Well hello my love. How was your day?" I asked with him still in my arms.

He smiled even brighter when I asked this question.

"It was gweat. And mommy this is my best fwiend Minjae." He introduced happily a little who I failed to notice until now.

I put my son down wanting to greet the little girl but she became shy and hid behind him.

"Come out sweetie I won't hurt you." I said softly but I could see that she was still hesitating.

"It's okay Minmin. Mommy is vewy nice." Jae pushed her closer to me and unexpectedly she also jumped into my arms happily.

I giggle a little a how suddenly she changed. On minute she was shy and the next she is in my arms.

"Hello Jaehunnie's mommy. It nice to meet you" She said in one of the sweetest voice I had ever heard. My heart could literally melt right now. She was as sweet as my baby.

"Its nice to meet you too baby. Jae has told me a lot about you." When I said that a pink blush spread over her cheek and she covered it with her small hands making me gush over her cuteness.

Normally I was not this friendly but with this little girl I don't know what came over me.

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