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TIME 11:50 PM

Jimin is in his Room, as the party died down and people started to leave, he just hoped one person to enter into the room but sadly it didn't happen.

Taehyung offered to spend the night with him, promising for a movie marathon and cuddles but Jimin refused it, saying he wanted to be alone.

Even though none of them (the 5) didn't want to leave him alone, they had to respect his wishes and privacy.

TIME 11:55 PM

Jimin rested his head on the floor and looked at the ceiling, the same ceiling that he and Yoongi used to look at almost every night as they fell in love, somehow at that time the ceiling looked so beautiful and he was falling in love with it the same time he fell in love with Yoongi.

Now, the ceiling is nothing but a big black canvas. There's nothing in it, no emotions attached to it.

His heart almost leaps out of his chest when the door opens with a bang.


The voice he fell in love with.

Jimin sits up and blinks at the one and only Yoongi at his door.

"Jimin guess what !? they agreed to the investment----" Yoongi looks around and sees all the balloons and the left over cake and realisation hits him, "shit"he turns on his personal phone for the first time for the day, october 13--it's today.

"Jimin--I'm so sorry ! happy birthday"

TIME 12:00 AM

"Its not my birthday anymore, atleast you showed up, want some cake?" Jimin walks over to the table ignoring the boy trying to hug him.

"I'm so sorry sweatheart, ah---I completely forgot ! they wanted me to talk about the investment and--shit what I am even saying --I'm so sorry"

"Investments are approved ! that's great" Jimin smiles

Yoongi could see the pain behind those eyes and he wants to bury himself for causing it.

"Scold me, get angry with me, hit me if you like, just--say something, don't hide it. You don't deserve to be treated like this" Yoongi says.

Jimin snaps, " Yes !! I don't deserve to be treated like this ! I hate it!"

Yoongi steps forward but Jimin backs away, "NO, I'm sorry I can't do this anymore"

Yoongi feels like someone stepped on his chest, "Do what?"

"This--us , I can't" 

"Is this because I forgot about your birthday?"

"NO, I hate how much I love you ! I hate how everything I do depends on you ! When you're not around me I swear, I got nothing to do,It's makin' me wonder what I did before I had you" Jimin breaks down, "I hate it so much!! I don't want to feel like this anymore"

"Jimin, I swear I love you" Yoongi's voice breaks.

"I know --but you love me in a way that I can't understand"


"hyung, let's--"

"no, don't say it" Yoongi bites his lips.

"let's bre--" Jimin suffers to say it out loud.

"No, don't you dare say it!!"

"Let's break up, its what I want" 



"okay, if that's what you want, fine lets break up" Yoongi smiles through the tears forming in his eyes and walks out of the room.

That's it. They are done. 

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