
36 1 1

You're Xiao's secretary it's been a month since you got this new secretary job at your work, and your boss has been nothing but cold towards you. You bring him coffee, answer phone calls, sort through files, schedule his meetings and you never get a single thank you. You understand it's your job, but you go above and beyond the standards and he doesn't even bat an eye. It makes you tick..

« Thinking about something? »

You suddenly return from your imagination when you hear that enchanting voice of his. He stares at you making you gulp..

« Actually i have a question.. »

« Well tell me then ? what's ticking you so much ? lately you've been prone to doing badly your work and it's getting quite annoying »

« You see.. ever since i've started working for you you've always been cold towards me you never thank me even tough i go far beyond expectations and it's making not want to go to work since i never get appreciated for what i do for you.. »

He glares at you, thinking for a moment before answering.

« That's just my nature, miss. I mean you no offence, I simply don't do small talk »

« But i mean you could at least do make a little effort ! »

He laughs, as if that was the funniest thing he's heard all day.

"I'm not here to entertain you. This isn't a social event, I am here to run a successful business and you are here to assist me. Your feelings are irrelevant."

He glares at you again, daring you to say something back.

« And what if it was a Social Event then ? »

Those words almost put him in a frenzy, his anger was starting to show itself He leans over his desk, trying to tower over you.

You then get up from your seat and put your hands on the office table trying to provoke him

He laughs, but this time it isn't a nice laugh. He is laughing at you. Laughing at your childishness, laughing at you attempting to intimidate him.

His expression hardens, to that of hate.

« You're making a fool out of yourself now get back to work »

« And why should i ? »

The words you spitted at him catched him off guard. It's like you have just hit him in the face, he is hurt for a moment

This moment lasts for only a second, though, before his face hardens with anger and he stands to his full height, towering over you with an expression that is filled with rage.

« Get out of my office NOW »

His tone is terrifying, almost like he is some sort of demon that has been angered

You then followed your steps to the exit of the anger filled room to cool your emotions down.

He watches you exit his office, and then falls back into his chair. He stares at the ceiling for a moment, processing what has happened. He is enraged, and he knows his emotions have gotten the better of him. He is a grown man, and yet a girl has managed to push him over his edge. It's laughable, really

He takes a deep breath in, before exhaling and calming himself. He won't mess this up. He knows he cannot mess this up.

You then soon realized that your break would soon finish in 20 minutes so you decided to not waste any more time and to go get yourself your favorite drink to calm yourself after what happened earlier

Soon after your break ended you ended up realizing that you forgot the rest of your work on the table of your bosses office

You sighed in despair at the thought of walking up to your angered boss to ask him back for your work but you quickly got interrupted in your daydream by your coworker childe.

"Wassup Y/n how you doing"

You sighed as you hesitated to tell him about what happened this morning and how you have to go to your bosses office to pick up your work

But you snapped your daydream and decided to not tell him

« Yeah im fine »

You both continued talking for a while earning giggles and laughs

Xiao's pov

Xiao had realized you had left your work in his office so he decided to pick it up and go give it to you in person

while he was walking through the corridors he heard employees whispering about you and Childe and how you and him were laughing like little kids with each other and that you guys were like two peas in a pod
but Xiao thought nothing of that until he walked right into your office

He feels his heart skip a beat as he watches Tartaglia interact with you. He stares with an expression of shock, and he can't help but feel the tiniest bit... of jealousy he couldn't shake of that eery feeling of envy he had when he saw how you and Childe amused yourselves with each other


To be Continued

Note from Author : Please let me know if i should continue or not !

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 08, 2023 ⏰

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