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He wiggles with his brows as you wish to kick him in his balls for being like this. But the nickname he spoke gave you butterflies as his voice was sweet like honey melting your insides. Composing yourself together you glare at him.

"Because I..." you stop thinking whether you should say or not. Even if this marriage breaks after a few months of marriage, you don't want to keep him in the dark.

"See Jungkook, My dad is suffering from lung cancer. And he is stubborn, he didn't take money from his friends or anyone from our relatives. My company is not doing well too after his retirement, I am trying my best to make this company grow but nothing works..." you gulp the lump recalling the days when you used to break down while handling the office. His eyes softened hearing about your dad but he was still processing your words.

"That's when your dad came to meet my father. He offered me a deal... to marry you and in return, he'll provide me money and promote my company. I'm sorry... I accepted it for my father, I promise.." You heard a loud thud on the steering wheel making you flinch at the sudden noise. You see him massaging his temple from the corner of your eyes. You blink and gulp the freshly formed tears.

"Really!!! Are you serious JUNG Y/N? Do you think marrying someone is a deal? You think it is just a pen-paper contract.... Wow," he taunted when he knew he was doing the same. He was marrying you for the sake of getting a company in his hand.

"I'm sorry, I will file for divorce when his treatment gets over, I promise," you answer with your gaze stuck on the ground. You knew you were wrong, you were doing the worst thing but you weren't having any other way.

"How can you trade marriage for your father's treatment? How can you?" He asks.

"I know I'm wrong!! I am... I am already feeling guilty about it. And it ain't like you want this marriage nor it is like you love me or something," You assert, making him shut his mouth.

"I know I did wrong but I needed to. Won't you do anything to save the people you love? Won't you want to hold them with you?" You say as he blanks out. He would surely do anything to hold Sarang near him and he is doing. His eyes brim with tears remembering the days he spent with Sarang as memories of togetherness flash in his senses. You check on him feeling the silence for a few minutes.

"So... you will give me divorce after a few months, right?" He asks, clearing his throat, you nod. He was more than happy as he won't need to leave you now, you'll do it on your own.

Wedding day

You swirl around checking your dress. A small smile creeps onto your lips as you see yourself. The long strapless ball gown with a high alter neck and layered skirt complimented you very well. The wedding dress was gifted by Jeon's family as it's their tradition.

"You look prettier than your mom, my angel," your dad complimented, entering inside your room. Your eyes travel to his form as he smiles the brightest making you smile too.

"Thanks, dad. But she was ethereal beauty," you replied eyeing your mom's frame.

'I miss you mom,' you thought as tears brimmed in your eyes. Losing her at the age when you didn't even know what was 'death' left a strong impression and fear in your heart.

"Let's go or we'll get late," your dad rubbed your back gently. You nodded and both of you left your house. The car was sent by his family even when your dad and you denied it for hundredths times. For the whole ride, your mind was fighting with your brain.

'Am I doing right?'

'What if dad gets to know and hates you?'

'He's going to know this thing soon' you looked over him as water well up in your gaze. You weren't this nervous all the time but when this moment is near, when you have to confess vows of a lifetime with Jungkook your heart was exploding.

Reaching the church which was beautifully decorated as the flower veil run down the walls of the church you forced a smile on your lips.

Your dad leaned his hand towards you, you slide your soft sweaty hand in his larger one's.

"Everything is gonna be fine, princess," he assures you not knowing why your mind was fighting so much but his words gave your comfort.

Walking down the aisle with your hooded eyes you clutched on your flower bouquet. Jungkook was talking with his friends while waiting for you on the stage when his eyes landed on your form. His lips parted seeing you in the wedding dress to be more precise he never thought someone can ever look this beautiful. You seemed like a fairy nearing him to heal him, solve his problems.

For the first time, you looked fragile and precious to him as he remembers every meet with you when you looked like a tigress, a roaring one. His eyes never leave your figure while you never moved your lashes to glance at him. No, not because you don't want to see him but because you were too nervous and were fighting with your decision.

Suddenly you felt your hand moving and resting in someone else's palm, softer than your dad. The first touch of you two is on the wedding day. You finally moved your eyes and looked at him. He looks handsome as always but the charm of the wedding and the wedding attire made him look prince of some castle. Unknowingly his lips form a small smile seeing you glancing at him making your heart pick up the pace.

You step up and stand in front of him. Your eyes were on the ground all the time. You didn't know how to face him because whenever you looked at him you found him staring at you making your cheeks heat up.

The priest starts reading the Bible as you fiddle with your fingers clutching on your dress. Jungkook was nervous too and he couldn't understand the reason when there is nothing between you two. You slowly look at him as his eyes fill with tears remembering about Sarang, how he used to talk about marriage and family with her. He was an innocent man for his love but after getting cheated on he lost everything and did everything to numb the pain from drinking alcohol every night to finding peace in his secretary, from hurting everyone to hurting himself but nothing worked or works. He needs her, still.

It was the time for vows. He starts reading his vows without any emotion in his voice. The sweet voice was nowhere near in his cold one. He completed his vow in one breath and now it was your moment. You stuttered in starting but somehow you finished it off.

"Now you may kiss the bride," the priest announces. Your dad and his family look at each other with huge smiles on their face. Mr Jung and Mr Jeon hug each other while congratulating each other.

He steps towards you making your feet go weak. You weren't ready, not when this marriage is just a deal. Your heart thumped in your ribs as you looked at him with small eyes. He grabs your hand and presses his plump lips on your knuckles. Your eyes soften thanking god that he didn't kiss you and feeling good that he didn't shove his anger. You want to save your first kiss for your love. You know you sound like an old lady but you wanted to feel everything with the person you love from a kiss to giving your everything to him. Your families smile and nodded understanding you both need time.

The day comes to an end as you both hop in his car. You stare outside the window and the words by your dad ring in your mind.

'Be happy and stay together always,'

How will you tell him you both aren't meant to stay together? He loves his secretary while you... you had no one in your heart.

Jungkook glances over you and sighs before turning the car. Both of your reach his house soon. It was the first time you came here of course because your first meet was at his parent's place.


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