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Ignore Mistakes

Kentrell • 424 Years Later

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Kentrell • 42
4 Years Later

"Da look" my three year old son Khalil said

"Ouuu boy you fresh" I gassed him up

He look just like his mama believe it or not he's my last child

"Mama took my pictures" he told me

"She did" I asked

"Yup and kay Kay told me I look like Kacey" he grinned

"You do" I laughed

"Why you crying mama" I asked my four year old granddaughter Elani as she walked in

"I feel and got a scratch" she pouted making me laugh

"Toughen yo you a soldier" I kissed her cheek putting her down

The past couple of years been hard but I made it through

Everybody took J'Hnaes death hard

I miss her everyday but Khalil acts just like her kind of

"I love y'all" I told them as they walked out my room

"We love you" Khalil said back

"Baeeee" Mula dragged walking in the room

"I love you" she climbed on my lap kissing me

I've grown to be loyal we argue and shit but other than that we straight

"Everybody here" I asked and she nodded it was thanksgiving and she was cooking

I got up walking downstairs

"Wassam lil niggas and niglets" I greeted everybody

"Old man" kaylyn hugged me like she don't be with me everyday

Nene took me to court and the judge ended up giving me full custody after a bribe of course

Cupid finally got his shit together and accepted the fact that he had a child after a year

I now have three grandkids

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