- 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟏𝟕

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— 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟏𝟕
"𝚕𝚒𝚔𝚎 𝚜𝚖𝚘𝚔𝚎 𝚌𝚘𝚖𝚎𝚜 𝚘𝚞𝚝 𝚘𝚏 𝚖𝚢 𝚖𝚘𝚞𝚝𝚑 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝚝𝚑𝚎𝚗 𝚙𝚘𝚘𝚏, 𝚒 𝚍𝚎𝚌𝚒𝚍𝚎 𝚠𝚑𝚊𝚝 𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚜𝚎𝚎."

after some minutes of katsuki grumpily looking into the direction of the other four students of his team, he finally walks up to them to see who's in his team. he knows a few, them being his former best friend and the half-and-half bastard, but he hasn't seen the other two around.

well, he's seen them, but he didn't really pay attention at the license exam. he doesn't really pay attention to others anyway.

only y/n... but only sometimes... right.

katsuki crosses his arms and looks at his teammates. it's not like he's going to work together with them. he'll save those other team himself and without any help.

"can we like, come up with a plan now?" utsushimi asks the group, then placing her finger to her cheek and smiling. "that would be cool!"

y/n frowns at the girl but shrugs, then looking at her other teammates. "maybe it's good to know what everyone their quirks are? i mean, we might need to use it. or we don't, whatever we need."

"i think your quirk will be the only one that we can use," todoroki says, looking at the metal-quirk female.

y/n's eyes widen and her cheeks become a slight shade of red. "why?" she asks todoroki, feeling quite overwhelmed. why would hers be the only one they could use? they don't even know the other quirks yet.

"my quirk is half-cold half-hot. we're supposed to save people from a building. i don't think i can use my quirk in any way to save the other team than saving them when something falls down. and knowing yoarashi his quirk with wind–"

"whirlwind!" yoarashi says with a smile, cutting todoroki off. the guy smiles at todoroki and nods. "it's whirlwind."

todoroki sighs and nods, then turning back to y/n to explain his plan. "if he uses his quirk, there is a chance that the building will break down. the same counts for bakugo. if he makes explosions, things will collapse. it's dangerous."

"oh shut the fuck up, half-and-half bastard! you don't know anything about me or my quirk," katsuki growls, rolling his eyes at his classmate.

y/n her (e/c) eyes fall on katsuki, eyeing him up and down. why does he looks so... tense? why is he acting like such an asshole towards his classmates and the other students?

she knows he can be a hotheaded person, and that he can be rude sometimes. she didn't know he would be like this when he's doing hero work. or only training, for example. is katsuki really like this when you work with him?

"chill," the girl mumbles, turning back to todoroki. "alright, so why do you think my quirk will work? we don't even know her quirk yet," y/n says as she points at utsushimi who's tucking at her lips.

she looks up, "what? mine?" she asks, laughing a little. "my quirk? oh! it's called glamour. like, you know, i can create illusions for a short time. like smoke comes out of my mouth and then poof, i decide what you see."

y/n nods a little at her words and sighs, "alright... yeah that won't work with this either."

"then why does l/n her quirk work, half-and-half? why would they put us in a team where only one quirk would work?"

katsuki looks at his classmate, cocking his eyebrows while the sentence leaves his lips. it makes y/n feel a little hurt inside. is her quirk really that bad? does katsuki think that she can't do anything with her quirk or something? it ain't that bad, right?

oh now she's getting insecure.

"because," todoroki starts, pointing at y/n her costume, "she can manipulate metal in any way, right? there are loads of metal parts in the building to manipulate. we could make anything out of those parts if we needed to."

the male then points to the area around them. "we could even take some of the torn down metal parts here to use inside. if there are any injured, we could get them on a metal surface and bring them upstairs. what do you guys think?"

y/n her eyes start to twinkle at the words coming from her classmate his lips. back in england there was never an opportunity for her to use her quirk, but now she can really do things she always wanted to do with her quirk.

"right!" she says, jumping up a little. "i can totally do that! we only have to come up with a plan. who's going where? stuff like that."

katsuki scoffs, "we don't need that. i'll show you all how it's done."

and with that, he walks into the building without saying another word. y/n her eyes widen, "kats!" she shouts, but katsuki ignores her calling his name.

"i'll go after him," she mumbles, then running inside the building as well, trying to catch up with her former best friend. where is he even going? why does he think going alone will be a good idea?

todoroki moves his hands, trying to hold her back, but she's already gone inside the building. he sighs a little and shakes his head.

"there goes our only useful quirk," he mumbles to himself, then turning to the other students. "you guys got a plan?"

utsushimi and yoarashi shake their heads, to which todoroki closes his eyes. "let's get inside then and try to find some people to save."

and off the three go, going the exact opposite direction that katsuki and y/n were walking to.

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