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By Rita Skeeter

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By Rita Skeeter


There's no rest for the wicked! In the latest unraveling of their web of terror, Lucius Malfoy, 44, has been accused of child and house-elf abuse by none other than his very own son, Draco Malfoy, 20.

In an exclusive interview with The Daily Prophet, the young wizard claimed that as a child, his father would torment him and their recently-deceased house-elf Dobby by acts such as burning them with a fire poker, beating them with his staff, locking them under the boiler, and making them kneel so [Lucius] could kick them in the face.

The diabolical Malfoy patriarch also allegedly used the highly illegal Cruciatus Curse on Dobby. Draco said he would have also been a victim of the Unforgivable Curse had his mother, Narcissa, 43, not intervened.

As of writing this, it is not confirmed if Lucius Malfoy will be charged with domestic abuse by the Wizengamot, or if any further investigations will be carried out by the Department of Magical Law Enforcement.


These accusations should come as no surprise following the sheer number of war crimes the Malfoys have under their belt - the non-exhaustive list of which includes acts of high treason, torture and murder of wizards and Muggles, and the eventual murder of Dobby himself.

The family may have been pardoned for their crimes as indemnity for deserting Voldemort during the final moments of the Second Wizarding War, but there appears to be no end in sight for the malicious deeds of the pure-blood clans.

Despite this, we are inclined to sympathise with the young heir, who had only been seventeen years of age when he was saddled with the heinous task of murdering then-Headmaster Albus Dumbledore. We now have reason to believe he is merely a victim of coercive control meted out by a violent and tyrannical father.


In a teary-eyed confession, Draco admitted he and Dobby would hide in a garden located in the compounds of Malfoy Manor in an attempt to evade the rage of his father.

"We would come here often when we needed to escape," blubbered the fair-haired youth. He divulged that he has never shown the gardens to anyone else before, implying his parents do not know about it.

When questioned about how he felt about his childhood, he broke down and stated through heaving sobs: "When you've lived in luxury all your life, you realise very quickly that money can't buy you everything," and that he "can't remember" the last time he smiled.


On the death of Dobby, Draco claims the elf had been his childhood friend and that he 'misses [Dobby] terribly'. He also brought up the Skirmish at Malfoy Manor, the event that led to Dobby's death, confessing he had wanted desperately to follow Harry Potter, Hermione Granger, and Ronald Weasley when they made their daring escape from the squalid cellar of the Murder House.

The pitiful boy further tugs at our heartstrings by revealing that he has never had any luck finding love. "I've been with many people, but I've never gone out properly with anyone," said the young man.

He further added: "It's difficult to love a [ex]-Death Eater. But sometimes it can get extremely lonely when you see all your friends coupling up and going on dates."

Draco Malfoy is currently an Eighth Year student at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, and is Seeker for the Slytherin Quidditch team. He is set to take his N.E.W.T.s this year.

What other insidious secrets are the Malfoys concealing, and when will they be uncovered? We can only reluctantly wait and see.

This article is a precursor for the book 'Unmasking The Malfoys: Confessions of A Death Eaters Family', the first book to be published by The Daily Prophet and set to be released in June.  


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