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A few years had quickly passed by, almost three years to be exact, nothing really changed, well nothing was yet to change.

But in a couple of months you'll officially get married to your lover, Diluc. Even though he proposed to you years ago, both of you agreed that there is no need for rush for both of you were still young.

But you see, not all things go on the way you wanted them to be

"My Lady, it seems that you are in fact, pregnant"

Hmm? What? You're what?

Two months away from from your marriage and you're pregnant? What?

All you could do was to blink at the doctor right in front of you.

"I'm... Pregnant?"

You asked, dumbfounded

A feeling of happiness swirl on your chest before it was replaced with anxiety. The thought of what would Diluc think about this cross your mind.

"Yes My Lady"

The manor private doctor beam happily as she inform you

"To be exact, it seems that you are three weeks pregnant"

"I.. wow"

You reflexively place a hand on your tummy

"Congratulations My Lady!"

"Thank you, but can you please keep it a secret for the mean time?"

"Of course My Lady"

She smile towards you

You smile back to her, even though you are happy and delighted by such a lovely news. Not knowing how your lover would react, you don't know how to tell him.

And so, the day passed with you overthinking on what could possibly happen, what could be his reaction about the life inside you that was the fruit of your love.

"Why are you out in the cold, Love"

Alongside his voice of worry and disapproval, you felt a familiar brown coat wrapped around your small figure

"I was thinking"

You stated

You heard him humm, as if indicating for you to continue as he gently wrap his arms on your from behind as both of you look up to admire the night sky from your shared room veranda.

He just finished patrolling around the city, when he went home you would often, usually greet him when he came back, but this time he found you in your shared room veranda, peacefully admiring the stars. Even though, Diluc know you more than anyone in the world.

Just one look and he knew you're in a deep thought and is thinking of something. So warping his arms around your small figure that he would never let go, he wait for you to continue.

"We're getting married in two months"

You stated, sounding absent mindedly that Diluc suddenly felt anxious

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