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Bella's POV
"So? What if she looked over here and saw you snogging me, would you expect her to get up and leave" Hermione asks and I chock on my drink. We were at the Leaky Cauldron and we just saw Ginny and Dean kissing. There was a bit of awkward silence and then Slughorn comes over. Me and Hermione make small talk while Harry is talking to the professor and Ron kept stealing glances at the couple.

We were walking back and Hermione was obviously drunk. She was putting all her weight on me as her arm was around my shoulder. "A little help here" I look at Ron and Harry. "You got this" Ron replies, "no-" I was cut off by someone screaming. "I told her" a Gryffindor says. "I told her not to touch it" she turns to us. We all see a girl laying on the ground and then she starts to drag to the left, right, up, and then down again. "Don't come any closer. Get back, all of you" Hagrid walks to the unconscious girl on the floor and picks her up. Harry reaches for something on the ground. "Do not touch that. Only the rappers"


Ron, Harry and Hermione go with McGonagall while I walk up to Draco's dorm. I have a pretty good idea that he is somehow involved in this.
I walk to the Slytherin door and kick it with my foot. "OPEN THE FUCKING DOOR" I shout. Just as I'm about to kick it again, the door opens and I kick the figure right in the ribs. They fall back but I just storm in and try walk up to the boy's dormitory's. I walk into Draco's dorm angrily and see him on the bed. When he sees me he stands up, nervous, like he knows what I'm going to say. "Did you do it?" I spit. "D-do what?" Draco stutters. "Don't act all innocent. You know what I'm on about" He just gulps. "So I'll ask you again. Did.you.do.it?" I clench my jaw. "It wasn't meant for her" he whispers. "Let me guess. It was meant for Dumbledore?" He slowly nods his head and breaks down crying. I comfort him for the rest of the night and yet again, get no sleep.

The next morning, we both went to the great hall and saw Harry talking with Kate Bell.  He turns around and stares at Draco. "Stay here" Draco whispers and walks out. Hart walk after him and gives me a death stare on the way out. Does he really think I'd listen to him? Ha.

I walk down the hall trying to find Harry and Draco. I hear spells firing in the bathroom and quickly run to it. When I get there, I see Draco on the ground, blood surrounding him, and Harry, just staring at him. I run to Draco and kneel beside him. "No, no, no. Draco!" I shake his head. "WELL DON'T JUST STAND THERE, DO SOMETHING" I scream at Harry and look at him. Snape comes in and Harry runs off. He preforms a spell on Draco and all the blood goes back in his body. "Will he be ok?" I ask as Snape picks him up. "He's fine" Snape says with no emotion and walks to the hospital wing.

When we get there, Snape puts Draco on a bed. I just sit there while madam Pomfrey helps him. A tear falls down my face but I quickly wipe it away  before anyone can see. "It's ok to cry you know"
"Don't try to hide it. It's ok" madam smiles and looks at me. I suddenly get overwhelmed with emotions and start to break down on the chair. Madam Pomfrey pats me on the back as I'm bawling my eyes out. Great.

A couple hours later, I feel Draco squeeze my hand and I shoot up. "Draco?" He opens his eyes slowly and smiles at me. "Hi"
"Omg Draco" I smile and jump on him. He raps his arms around me and I bury my head in his shoulder. "I thought I lost you" I whisper. My voice muffled because of his shirt. "I'm right here babe. I'll never leave you" he strokes my hair.

Draco's POV
After a couple of minutes of us hugging, I hear light snoring so I look down to see Bella asleep of my chest. I lightly smile and look out the window. "She really loves you, you know" a voice say in front of me and I slightly jump. "What?"
"Miss Weasley. She really loves you" she points to a sleeping Bella. "And I can tell you do too" she adds.

There's a tapping at the window and we both look to see my family owl. Madam Pomfrey opens the window and hands me the letter. I open it.

Dear son,
We have heard from Snape that you have got yourself a girlfriend. You will bring her to the Manor this Christmas so we can meet her. Your mother can't wait to meet her.


My eyes scan across the page as my heart sinks. She can't come to the Manor. It isn't safe. Go knows what will happen if all the death eaters are there. But I have no choice. I guess I'll tell her tomorrow. I just lay, stroking Bella's hair while she sleeps and soon drift to sleep myself.

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