29. the good side

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And he knows it. He had Adair Cohen do it for him earlier today and is now seated across from me on my couch, eyes resting on me as slight amusement flickers over his eyes. One of his legs is sprawled out, resting on mine.

Despite the fact that we're not dating, we acknowledged how we felt, something that's a huge step forward. Looking at Paxton from where I'm seated across from him, I can already hear the words he told me at the beach playing over in my head.

I really, really like you

Shaking my head, my attention is pulled away from the memory and to Paxton who is one hundred percent teasing me as he uses his leg to nudge mine. There's a grin that appears on his lips, and I glance away. 

A couple of hours ago, we dropped by the gas station for sugary-ass slushies before we ended up at my place. At this point, it has to be a ritual. 

Paxton keeps nudging me with his foot, and I keep pushing his foot away, a laugh escaping his lips every time he does so. At some point, he grins, reaching out to tug me closer to him, so that I'm essentially sprawled over him.

"You're annoying," I say, shifting so that I'm partially laying on Paxton's torso and partially laying on the couch.

"You too," Paxton says, lips pursing. "You didn't even compliment my eyeliner. I'm disgusted and offended."

A laugh slips from my lips as I avert my gaze. My back is pressed against the back of the couch, and Paxton turns so that he's facing me, barely a breath away. My shoulders shrug as I keep my gaze on the material of the couch. "It's alright."

It's more than alright, actually, but I'm not giving Paxton the satisfaction of knowing that I think so—although I'm fairly sure he already does.

"Rude," Paxton says, but I can practically sense his grin, and despite myself, my eyes flick up to him. His lips spread into a slow grin and heat rises to my face. 

Paxton studies me for a few moments, increasing our proximity before saying, "about our whole just exist knowing that we like each other thing... am I allowed to kiss you?"

And at this moment, I should reply with a witty comeback or a joke, but my eyes flicker down to his lips, and my mind goes blank. 

Shaking my head for a few moments, I shake myself out of my trance. "Yeah, I mean," I hold my breath as Paxton tugs at one of my curls. "Slowly?"

Paxton's lips twitch and he nods. "Yeah."

After a few moments of searching my face, his lips find mine, slowly but surely. My heart is racing as our lips touch. Somehow, it feels different kissing Paxton now that he isn't as guarded, but the tenderness of his lips on mine feels the same.

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