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t w e n t y - f o u r

THE REST OF THE holiday, which had only been made enjoyable for Oliver by Reed's company, was unendurable.

Following the news about his mother, Reed caught the first flight back out to England. Oliver had offered to go back with him. This was mostly so Reed wouldn't have to travel alone when he was clearly upset and partly for selfish reasons of not wanting be left behind on this mess of a holiday with Adam and Clair. But whatever Oliver's reasons for accompanying him, Reed refused. Every single one of his defences had sprang back up into place following that phone call. He was cool and guarded, so distant it felt like the last few months of rebuilding their friendship had never happened. Oliver knew he couldn't take it personally even as every doubt he had about Reed eventually regretting this rose to the surface

Reed was going through something and maybe this was how he handled it. By ignoring every one of his calls and barely replying to his texts. Oliver liked to think he wasn't a particularly clingy person, but he remembered how shaken Reed had been when they'd sent him off in a taxi to the airport. Oliver was happy to give him space if that's what he needed; he just wanted to make sure he was okay.

If Oliver thought Reed's misfortune would be enough to soften any of the hostility between Adam and Clair, he was sorely mistaken. Their glaring and arguing only became even more impossible to ignore in those last couple of days. The hours of daylight were mostly fine; Oliver passed them in the pool or the gym, having lost interest in wandering Val Thorens without Reed. Dinner in the evening was the worst. When Adam and Clair weren't sniping at each other, they ignored each other so intensely that Oliver almost found himself making conversation with Adam's parents just to escape the heaviness of the silence.

Things were hardly any better with Adam. He was still annoyed at Oliver. Even though he had never spoken a word of his irritation out loud, his weighted silence and short replies were all the confirmation Oliver needed. Oliver only made one attempt at talking to him about it, while they were in the bedroom trying to sleep. Adam could take the other side of the bed now that Reed wasn't here and the silence that hung in the air before one of them had drifted off to sleep was almost as tense as those gracing the dinner table.

"Adam," Oliver had said, into the darkness, "about what happened with Clair — "

"The last thing I want to talk you about is Clair," was Adam's terse reply.

"But — "

"Oliver," Adam said, and his voice was as cold as Oliver had ever heard it. "Stop."

And that was the end of that. Oliver was too much of a pussy to ever bring it up again.

"Oli!" His little sister couldn't have screeched his name any louder as he pushed the front door open and she didn't even give him a chance to set his bags down before launching herself at him. "You're back!"

Oliver couldn't help laughing. After two days of the people he was with seeming less than pleased by his existence, it was nice to come home to such warmth. Even if Lexie was talking too loudly and had already managed to step on his feet about three times. "Hey, Lex," he said, ruffling her blonde hair. "Miss me?"

"Did you bring me any presents?" she asked eagerly.

Oliver rolled his eyes. "Nice to see you, too."

"Oli," she said, with an impatient whine. The warm affection at seeing Lexie was quickly being replaced by reminders of how annoying she could be. "Answer the question!"

"Yes, you spoilt brat, I did. Now let me put my bags down or you won't be getting any of them."

Lexie immediately sprang back with wide eyes. "Okay! Wow, lots of presents, I hope you got me cupcakes. Or maybe teddies. Oooh, or roller skates! Lily from school got roller skates for her birthday last week..."

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