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Chapter Sixteen: Watch Your Back


She looks different today. Maybe it's because she's wearing a baby blue V-cut tank topped with a gray cardigan in contrast to her usual hoodie and jeans. Or, maybe it's just the fluorescent lights of the school's hall. Either way, I tell her she looks nice but she doesn't blush and giggle like Lizzy would have. Instead, she stares at me like I'm a ghost only she can see.

"I didn't think you'd be back to school so quickly," she tells me as we slowly make our way to the west side of the building, towards the gymnasium.

"I figured I might as well. Dad's at work and Julia's at school," I tell her. "And my friends are here."

She's nodding, but I can tell there's so much more she could be saying.

"How'd it go with your dad after all?"

"Better than expected, actually."

"Good, good."

We walk in silence until the royal blue double doors of the gym can be seen up ahead. I gently touch her shoulder and we stop walking next to the water fountains.

"Enough small talk," I say in a quieter voice. "I'm sorry for what I said. You were only trying to help me and I acted like a dick."

"Very ungrateful," she agrees, but there's a hint of a smile on her lips.

"Can you please forgive me so we can be friends again?"

The smile's there now, but it quickly fades. "I'm not exactly sure what 'friends' looks like for us."

Fair observation. "Well, I guess we just pretend like nothing happened. Like I'm no different from anyone else, and hope that everyone believes my facade."

The bell signifying our tardiness sounds overhead.

"I think that's a good idea. But if you need anything, you know, related to your condition, I'm still here to help you."

At the word condition, all I can think of is measles or smallpox or gonorrhea. But I appreciate her sentiment and we agree to be pals again, even shake on it like a business deal.

"Let's go. I've got to go kick your ass in volleyball."

She rolls her eyes and we part ways to our respective locker rooms.

Our school has two gymnasiums. One was constructed with the original building back in the 50s, and one was added on in the 80s due to the growing population of students. The guys got stuck with the older locker room in the bigger gym, while the girls got the updated locker room in the smaller gym (if you can call the 80s "updated"). Because of this, sometimes the guys walk down to the smaller gym, and sometimes the girls walk up to the bigger gym. All depending on the period and type of activity for that day.

Today, my friends and I make our way to the girl's gym where the volleyball nets are set up. Grayson's walking backwards, gesturing wildly with his hands to describe an encounter he had with Amelia last night. Looks like things are already back to normal.

Jordan shakes his head at Grayson's vulgar language, but I'm only half-listening. To be honest, I'm concerned about my strength. Worrying that I'm too strong to participate in physical activities with my peers certainly sounds like the opposite of a problem, but it's something I never had to deliberate in the past.

Before we round the bend, Grayson turns on me with a shitty grin. "I saw you talking to Miss Lana Carina outside of the gym. Trying to make a hoe into a housewife?" The gang around us laughs.

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