12. Plight

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*TW: Drugging*

Getting ready for the party was a boring endeavor, but I certainly felt good about myself afterwards. I even delved into some make up, and although my outfit was more grunge than I'd normally wear, I really liked it.

It was around seven pm once I was finished, and the heat of the day had dissipated. I silently thanked the weather gods, now that I'd be able to wear a jacket comfortably.

My grandparents asked about where I was going all dressed up, and I told the truth. They've never been overbearing, so I knew they wouldn't be mad. They were actually excited that I was being more social.

Still, I was nervous, constantly rechecking my appearance and straightening my skirt. I've almost gotten used to my scar on my face, to the point where it barely crosses my mind, but today it was all I could think about.

Well, not my scar exactly, but what happened at the last party. The things that guy said. Maybe he had a point, about no one wanting me.

I shook my head, trying to rattle those depreciating thoughts from my mind. That guy was a drunk asshole who was just mad he couldn't score. Nothing else.

Around eight thirty we all met up outside the complex, save for Todd, he wanted to do homework. Larry and Ash were practically vibrating in excitement once we started climbing into her car, which quickly died out once Ash pulled out of the tiny parking lot, immediately hitting a curb.

"Damn Ash, I wanna live to see our destination, thank you!" Larry whined in the passenger seat, clinging onto the overhead handle. Ash shot him a look that could kill, and Larry shouted at her to keep her eyes on the road.

Sal was buried into his phone in the seat next to me, not acknowledging the mayhem in the front of the car. I poked his arm, leaning closer.

"What's so interesting on your phone, Sally?" I teased, sticking my tongue out once he looked up at me.

"N-nothing, just reading about this game I'm thinking about getting," His voice wavered slightly, but steadied out as he talked. "It seems pretty cool. Do you play video games?" His deep blue eyes looked at me with an emotion I couldn't quite put my finger on.

"I used to, but I haven't been able to since I moved here. Maybe it's a good thing, I was pretty terrible at most games." I let out a soft laugh and tugged at my sleeve nervously. He nodded in understanding, thinking a moment before responding.

"You should play with me and Larry sometime, he's also bad at most games." Larry flipped in his seat in front of Sal, looking hurt.

"Hey I am not! You're just insanely good!" Sal waved his hand at Larry, laughing.

"I'm kidding man, you're not bad." Larry seemed to accept this, flipping back to face the road to yell at Ash for almost running a red light.

"But seriously, you should hang with us at Larry's sometime." Sal finished, looking at me hopefully. Fuck he's cute.

"I'd love to, if you promise not to get frustrated with me." I joked, pushing his shoulder slightly. I just wanted an excuse to touch him.

He laughed musically, shaking his head. "I would never get frustrated, it's just a game." He nudged me back with his shoulder.

Fuck. My hearts in my throat. Why is this closeness feeling so intense today?

I took a deep breath through my nose before responding. "Okay then, you have a deal." I threw in a cheeky wink, taking note of how his ear tinted red.

"Can you two stop flirting, I'm gonna puke!" Larry whined, and Sal smacked him in the arm, now even redder than before. My cheeks were burning as well.

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