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Marcia on the side.



I woke up and glanced around my room. I could hear people talking outside my bedroom. I rubbed my eyes and searched around for my phone. I brought it up to my eyes and closed the left one. I noticed it was still early in the night.

I groaned and removed the covers that were starting to get hot, from myself. I walked into my bathroom and soaked my face trying to wake up the most I could. I brushed my teeth and pulled my hair up to a bun. I walked back into my room and grabbed a pair of sandals.

I opened my door slightly and glanced through the crack. On one of the couches I could see Ashton and Landon talking amongst themselves. They seemed to be watching tv, I groaned again when my stomach growled.

I was really hungry and thirsty at the moment and all I wanted was to not be seen. I opened my door wider and walked into the small hallway. I tip toed into the kitchen and grabbed some cereal in the dark.

I opened the fridge and cursed when the light flooded through the room. I opened it quickly again and grabbed the milk gallon. I poured it in a cup and grabbed a spoon. I swung the door open for the fridge and placed the milk inside.

I went back to my room and closed the door slowly behind me. I took a spoonful of my cereal and placed the cup down on my side table. I got on my bed again and was about to grab my cereal when I felt movement.

I raised the covers and found Ashton snuggled up with my extra pillow. "Hey." I said softly trying to wake him.

I poked him and he didn't even stirr. I moved his shoulders and I noticed he was practically dead. I grabbed my cereal and continued eating. After I was done, I went into my bathroom and washed the cup and spoon.

I walked back towards my bed and saw Ashton hadn't moved from the position he was in earlier. I huffed and walked closer to him. I pulled up the covers from the end and saw he was still wearing his shoes. I untied his shoelaces and pulled them off.

He was now dressed in a suit and he looked really awkward so I pulled off his jacket. When I noticed he didn't even move, I undid some of his buttons. With shaky hands I reached down under and took off his belt.

I grabbed my other pillow and placed it under his head. I ran my hand through his soft hair and I walked towards my mom's room. I got under the clean sheets and sighted. I tossed and turned for a bit and then began to get sleepy.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

I was eating breakfast on the kitchen island, when I saw a worried Ashton come out of my room.

"Have you seen Marcia?" He asked Landon.

Landon gave him a confused look and glanced at me. I saw Ashton's shoulders slump after he saw me sitting by the counter.

"Morning." He mumbled and walked past me and went outside.

"What's his problem?" I asked Landon and he shrugged his shoulders in response.

I finished my pancakes and washed the dishes. I went into my room and locked the door and checked the curtains. I grabbed clean clothes along with a towel and walked into my bathroom to shower.

After I was done, I heard shouting coming from outside. I stopped making noise and listened carefully.

"You know you can't be here, this is not your territory." I heard Landon shouting at someone outside.

His Chosen Bride (Perilous Series)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang