14. Take-a-Teacher-to-Work Day

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"Wakey wakey."

Jonna cracked one eye open but didn't move.

"C'mon, hot stuff. I've gotta get to class."

At that, Jonna groaned and rolled out of the bed.

Laney laughed and tossed a pair of pants her way. They landed on Jonna's face and she groaned again.

"Not a morning person, eh?"

"Not after last night," Jonna grumbled, struggling to zip up the jeans.

A grin tugged at Laney's mouth. "Really. Why?"

Flashes of Laney's mouth and hands momentarily distracted Jonna. Every time she had drifted off to sleep, Laney had awoken her with kisses and insistence. After the third encounter, Jonna had grabbed her phone to check the time and was shocked that it was 4:18am.

She hadn't stayed up that late in years.

Now, Laney wanted to kick her out a few hours later. She felt rather lousy about the whole thing.

Jonna perked up it when Lainey served her of coffee. With each sip, her rationality returned. It was morning. People had places to go and work to do. She knew she was being silly with misplaced grumpiness.

So she began returning the smiles and teasing banter Laney threw at her over breakfast. Then for the second time that morning, Laney surprised her.

"Okay, you ready?"

Jonna downed the last of her coffee. "Yeah."

"Let's go."

Laney slung a laptop bag over her shoulder and left. Jonna followed, a bit confused, shoes in hand.

She wondered if Laney did this to all her nightly conquests. Tire them out, feed them, and kick them out. The equation didn't quite balance.

Outside, Jonna balanced on a tree while putting on her sandals. Laney waited nearby, still smiling.

"C'mon, I'm gonna be late."

They were outside of the apartment, but obviously Laney wanted to say goodbye or really wanted to make sure that Jonna left.

"What's the problem? You need a kiss goodbye?"

"No. We need to walk. University is about fifteen minutes that way." Laney gestured down the street towards looming cobblestone buildings.


But Laney was gently dragging her by the elbow. "If we're late, we'll have to sit in the front!"


For Jonna, the trip was an odd one.

First off, she hadn't known she was invited anywhere. Secondly, she was being escorted to work on foot. Third, being at work with Laney would be extremely weird.

She didn't know where they were going exactly, but obviously a specific classroom, as Laney kept mentioning.

They walked to the SOC or Social Science building. As it was early, the sidewalks on the campus were fairly empty, and Jonna was glad. She wanted to duck in and out without being seen by a student she knew.

Laney found them seats in the back of the classroom. It was auditorium-style seating, which told Jonna that the professor or topic was popular. Her classrooms were plain old rectangular boxes, some without windows.

The rows of seats filled up minutes later, and then a willowy red headed white woman approached the lectern. She pressed buttons to activate the projector. The lights from the front underscored her pale skin and bright green eyes. Suddenly, Jonna understood why Laney was so adamant about attending class.

For her own benefit, she rolled her eyes. Arms crossed, she settled in her seat.

"You grumpy again?" Laney whispered, taking her laptop out of her bag.

"No," Jonna lied.

Then, the red head began lecturing.


Jonna's jealousy, like her morning reaction, had been unnecessary.

The redhead, or Mrs. Dread, had droned on for forty minutes. Her voice was sharp and hit high frequencies on occasion. She had a nasty habit of squinting as though to emphasize a point, but it ended up looking inappropriate. The air in the room was thick with awkward tension and stale boredom.

As an educator, Jonna was horrified. As a prospective of Laney, she was thrilled that her perceived competition was less sexy than imagined.

Is that what I'm like?

She had recorded her own lectures in the past, which had taught her to shorten them, and to speak clearly but not rudely. It had also taught her to take breaks in between concepts for questions and group activities.

Mrs. Dread practiced none of these. Instead, she spoke. And spoke. And scribbled on the board. And spoke.

The topic was Intro to PoliSci, so there seemed much to speak to. Jonna began nodding off. Then, Laney's voice jolted her.

"...deterioration of pragmatism?"

Mrs. Dread looked impressed at Laney's question. "I see you did the reading. And what you've mentioned will be discussed next week. Class dismissed."

"Thank God," Jonna said, louder than intended.

The people around her stared, hard. Laney smiled and shrugged.

 Laney smiled and shrugged

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