2. Beer Chan

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Kiyo POV

It was now the 2nd day of school, I woke up and got ready for school, today technically will be my first day at school as there were no classes yesterday. I wonder how is it going to be, I had no experience regarding school life. All my life I had been confined in those white walls stripped of my freedom. As much as I don't hate that place I simply can't let go of this newly acquired freedom of mine, I'm simply curious, curious about how this world works. Although I have read many books regarding society they just simply added to my curiosity. I want to know simple yet important things. So I have decided to get the answer to the question I used to ask myself the most during the 15 years of my stay in white room. And that is-

"What does Ice cream truly taste like?"

I read in books some said it tastes sweet and cold, some said it is a completely different sensation some just simply said that it can't be described in words.

So I have decided, today before going to my class I will go to the convenience store and buy an Ice cream.

I left my room half an hour before our classes start and went to the store, I spent the next 15 minutes deciding on which Ice cream to eat and ended up buying 7 different flavors, I also bought a polythene bag and some dry ice to prevent them from melting. I take out the Chocolate Ice cream and started eating it.

It truly is a completely different sensation. It tastes better than anything I have ever had, even after I was out of the white room and living with Matsuo san I was not allowed to eat any deserts or junk food, Matsuo san once had tried to buy me an Ice cream but he got caught by one of the guards and was about to get punished when I had stopped it at the very end. I scared off the guard releasing all of my darkness, my killing intent visible in my eyes. Matsuo san was the only person I used ever Honorifics for, he treated me like his son and gave me the love I had never received. He is the one due to whom I'm currently able to enjoy my freedom.

Matsuo san and I both knew of the consequences of me escaping here. Matsuo san will get heavily punished, but it was his wish, he wanted me to experience the things I was deprived of, even if he had to face the consequences. Of all the people I have ever met I am certain that Matsuo san was the only one who treated me with love and was the only one who's actions had no ill intent.

So to respect his wish, I will make sure that I'm able to graduate from this school and spend the 3 years of my freedom to experience every thing I can.

Even if I have to destroy each and every one in this school, I will do what I have to. No matter the cost, no matter what I have to sacrifice. Because as long as I achieve my goals, as long as I'm Victorious, That's all that matters.

As I was thinking about this I saw that my ice cream had started to melt so I started to eat it at a faster rate.

"Yo, good morning Leader."

I was greeted by a familiar voice which belonged to my classmate and the person who sits in front of me, Hashimoto. He called me leader huh, well I did announce it yesterday that I will be the one leading the class, even so I don't think many students will accept me this easily. I didn't knew if he was trying to joke or was he serious anyway I decided to greet him back 'cause even if I am more capable than anyone else without allies I will not be able to face my enemies efficiently.

"Good morning."

"Eating Ice-Cream this early huh, don't you think that's bad for you?"

"Not really, it's just a myth actually it's better than eating it before you sleep." It was indeed true that eating anything sweet before sleeping has more adverse effects on human body than eating it in the morning.

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