15. caught

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Angelina POV

"Hello who is it and what do you want his time" he sounded so sleepy so I decided to wake him up properly

"WAKE UP" I shouted

"what the hell" and then the sound of 'thump' was heard

"aww did Matty fell off his bed" I teased

"what do you want? It's too late let me sleep Rissy"

"well I am in the middle of the road lost and I want you to pick me up I am sending you my location"

And I hung up before he could protest and sent him my location

After waiting for fifteen minutes I saw his motorbike and waved towards him

As soon as he came near, I hopped in the back and said

"Why did you come this late? I was waiting like forever and now that you are here come on let's go to the departmental store on the outskirts as it's the only one open"

"wait a damn minute you woke me up in the middle of the night just so that you can go to the store?" he said already starting to drive

"well I am on my periods and I need pads and tampons so drive fast," I said and he did as tell

"What am I now? your personal driver?" he asked

"I don't know but it was fun disturbing you like that" I giggled

Right now, we were at the snake's counter

"who is paying for all this?" he asked referring to the snacks and sanitary items I brought

"you," I said and hopped to the next aisle



"gosh, you are impossible what if I said no?"

"well I would force you"

Suddenly I was pushed to the wall with my back against it with Matty holing my both arms above me totally towering me

"Well don't you know how to talk about force" he whispered his lips right above mine only an inch distance

'God how I wish I could kiss you right now I heard him say

"then do it" I replied

"do what?" he asked

"you said it and I quote 'God how I wish I could kiss you right now so I said do it, Matty"

"How did you know what I was thinking and my exact words" he became serious and that's when I realized it

I read his mind

"shit," I said

'you can read my mind?'


'Tell me it's a fucking joke'

"it's not a joke Matty," I said and he took a step back

"how," he asked

"watch this," I said and looked towards the ground where our snacks were spilled

I slowly lifted them off the ground into the air using my magic and placed them in the trolly

He looked shocked

'what the--- did she just  wingardium leviosa this shit?' he taught with wide eyes 

"We need to talk," I said and he nodded and took us to his house on the way I quickly tried calling papa and he surprisingly picked his phone

He was panicked at first but when I told him I was going to the Brooks residency he looked relieved and I said that I will directly meet the boys in the school tomorrow after a lot of convincing he agreed

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