Chapter 36 Under Lock & Key

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Tap. Tap. Tap.

An eerie silence washed over the throne room as Harumi made her way towards her master. She kept her head down towards the concrete floor. Cracks and smudges carried throughout her gaze. Her ears perked up at the sound of a cough. She lifted her head to find Garmadon himself sitting on his throne made of steel. Two others stood off to the side: Chen and Clouse. The princess could see the obvious scowl the cooky noodle man carried at the sight of Garmadon. His green pupils flared with envy towards the sickly old man and his throne. Harumi didn't bother to hide her eyeroll as she approached the men.

"Master... you summoned me?" Harumi asked after a slight bow.

"Yes... I heard you were allowing all three of Wu's students out tonight? Without their venge stone cuffs?" Garmadon asked. Despite his low voice, his tone was as rough as pavement. Harumi's shoulders tensed at his words, but she kept eye contact.

"Yes, master, I thought we could speed up on breaking their spirits by using them for our errands--"

"Well, you shouldn't have! Do you realize that you're practically giving the rest of Wu's students a chance to rescue their friends?" Harumi growled under her breath before getting to her feet.

"The rest of their team is locked in prison! And even if they managed to escape, there's no way they could out number the group I sent with them and--"

"ENOUGH!" Garmadon's eyes flashed red as he slammed his fragile fist against the throne's armrest, cracking it. A snicker escaped Chen's lips. The young princess sent a glare towards the noodle man.

"Why are they here?" Harumi snapped, tightening her fists.

"They are here to trade resources for our cause." Garmadon got to his feet.

"And what cause are we doing, again? I thought we were planning on taking over the city with our army of elementals? We could have captured the rest of Wu's students and finally claimed victory, but you had them arrested instead--" Garmadon held up a hand to silence her. He walked over towards the young girl. His feet echoed through out the vacant room. He placed a hand on her shoulder and smiled.

"My dear, it will all make sense when the time comes, and you will have what I promised you all these years..." Harumi stared up at the tar colored creature in front of her. Most would shake at the sight of this monstrous man, but she found it comforting. He was the only person to ever truly see potential in her. He gave her direction. A path. While everyone else only saw a pitiful girl. A little child who was left to die in that fire all those years ago, killing the only other people who cared for her....


"Mommy! Daddy!"

"Go! Go, sweetie! Don't let anything stop you!"


"Harumi, welcome to Darkley's. Where all orphans end up when they can't find a home."


"Harumi, I'm William and this is Elizabeth. The rulers of Ninjago... We've come to rescue you from this dreaded place."



"King William! Why in all Ninjago would you adopt a child from Darkley's?"

"Well, we believe in helping lost souls. Harumi here has been given a chance for a new life!"

Clap! Clap! Clap!

"You're so kind King William!"

"We don't deserve a ruler like you!"


Heroes in the ShadowsOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora