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Life is a mystery, yet to unfold,
The pages are new, but chapters are old.

The fine print, isn't known to be seen,
But history has it, value is in what lies between.

Hidden is the soth,
Hidden is the feel.
Your interpretation put forth,
Leave not concealed.

What mysteries and thrills has yours to unfold,
Is yet another tale to voice to the world.

Each has a story one of a different kind,
Each with a mystery unique to the mind.

Make sure to make known,
Your life is a part of a thousand of its own.

As moments the arms clocks by,
You become part of the story of another passerby.

Your story isn't yours alone,
Fragmented with parts of some unknown.

Give credit where it is due,
Yet in truth to receive are counted few.

Be thankful to the ones apart,
Or your story you indeed restart.

You might not remember the ones that might have been,
But your mind give gratitude, including the unseen.

Each life is a mystery, a mystery that remains at heart,
When at your ending don't forget your start!

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