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A magnetised grip held my feet to the floor; my muscles as tight as ice, anger radiating throughout the room as tension grew. The look of despair and anguish rises on 18's face as he realises the mistake he has committed.


"Insolent little pig, how dare you, how about I do that to your intestines instead. String you up and hang you by your own guts!" said a female vampire.

"N... No mam"

The vampire lunged at 18 before he could finish his sentence; her claws racing across the air, furry and blood spilling across the table; deep lacerations covering 18's body. As he agonises in pain hands skate across his neck seemingly strangling him in mid-air.

red Lips run across 18's open wounds sucking his blood from his already haemorrhaging body.

"your blood tastes foul, I should rip out your heart and feed it to the dogs".

18's body going limp from the blood loss closing nearer to death. 

"Lilith, I think he has learned his lesson has he not?" said a mysterious vampire seemingly out of character.

Lilith signs in boredom dropping 18 like packaged meat slamming onto the floor.

"your no fun Nicholas" said Lilith in disappointment.

"You, boy drag this meat bag to the infirmary, can't kill the life stock so recklessly. Said Nicholas.

"Y, ye... yes sir" Barely letting the words out my mouth.

Rushing over to my fallen friend as eyes fixed on me tracking my every movement. He was in very bad shape and lost a lot of blood. This needs to be treated fast.

My only friend was in sight of the other vampires when I picked him up and carried him to the end of the mansion. Walking up stairs and corridors seemed endless as I walked through the expansive mansion. Despite my exhaustion and buckling legs, I know my only friend will die if I don't continue, giving me the strength to keep going.

Opening the infirmary door deserted of life with no doctor in sight, I laid 18 on one of the beds and examined his wound. It was deep covering his entire upper body, blood streaming out his contusions.

I had to do something, or he will die from hemorrhaging. From me observing the many wounds I've witnessed in this hell hole I know more than most. Gathering everything in sight I drench his wound in rubbing alcohol and coagulant pads and press tight.

In the midst of trying to save my friend, sudden despair envelops me, a feeling of being watched. With my eyes divided to the door, I see red eyes watching every move I make. Fear drenches my body, and my feet bow when I'm in his presence.

The time it took to blink the vampire was already in front of me examining my friend's wounds.

"you did a good job boy; you might have just saved his life," said the vampire.

"wait I remember you; you were the vampire who stopped her from ripping him to shreds, Nicholas was it?" I said forgetting he was a vampire for a moment.

Turning his gaze at me.

"Yes, I don't like humans, nor do I do I think of them as food, just another species gripping onto this mortal coil we call life".

"But aren't vampires' immortal?" I said almost mistaking him as human.

"Who told you that boy, Vampires do eventually die and are a selfish species of narcissism and selfish desires gripping onto life in desperation". Said Nicholas.

Taken back how vocal he is at ridiculing his own kind while healing my best friend stitching his wounds together.

"Done, your friend should survive his wounds, what is your name boy"?

"it... it's 19 sir".

"fitting I like it; you have life in you 19 use it wisely" Nicholas said while walking out the room.

The fact that a vampire acknowledges me is so far out of character, nevermind having a discussion with me. I wonder how he thinks about his own race. He could take my pathetic life in an instant without me knowing it. I should not pursue this further if I value my own life.

Checking 18 one final time, Nicholas stitched his wounds like a machine, not a stitch out of place and the bandage is pristine. I don't expect anything else from one of them.

After I left 18 to heal from his once life-threatening wounds, my eyes locked onto the last person wanted to see right now. my superior. the look of disappointment plastered across his face. my fate has already been sealed this afternoon.

"looks like you dug yourself a hole big enough for your corpse now mate"

12.... most would call him a superior slave in this pyramid scheme of life these vampires made for us. but I would call him a pain in my ass to put it lightly.

" The vamp you gracefully pissed off now wants you for lunch. Luckily for you, I pull some weight here and got your punishment reduced to a beating. I know, I know I'm the best and you owe me big time but you should really be going" s

now you know why he irritates fuck out of me. he likes his monologuing a bit too much for my tastes.

Off to the whipping chamber I go. 

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