Chapter 16

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''Honestly, at first, I never really expected anything from you and only chose you because of the Siltheur's emblem in your hand.''

Rosh deeply thought about the incstrile's words. All of the sudden information is jumbling on his head and he couldn't even think about which is right or wrong.

''But then, I saw your potential when you released your killing intent earlier. Even with powerful dark magic, a person cannot make such an aura with mere training. It was your hatred.''

''My hatred..''

He recalled all of the things he experienced. How he died, how he gave up, and how he suffered because of them. His face then darkened, causing the atmosphere become chilly.

''All the negative emotions sealed in your heart is supporting energy with your dark magic. And hatred, which is its best partner, is what's helping your magical presence expand. Not all your capabilities came from the mana stones and relics you absorbed with your ring.''

''So, the most contributor of my dark magic now is my hatred. The stones and relics that I absorbed only strengthened my body and extended my mana but not my overall magic.''

''That's right. You see, dark magic might be powerful at first. However, reaching its full potential requires a great intesity of controlled emotions. In this world's records, none of the other dark magicians ever reached the peak of that attribute.''

''I'm the first huh?''

''Yes! And I was both very surprised and amazed by you.''

Sighing, Rosh blankly stared at the dark figure of the incstrile.

''I see, was that supposed to be a compliment?''

''Hey, you are being praised by an incstrile. You should be greatful!''

''Oh, then it's an honor, your benevolent being. Pretty opposite of what you looked like right now.'' Rosh said sarcastically.

''Ha. Ha. Ha. Very funny.''

''I know. I have a great sense of humor.''

''That wasn't a compliment! God, I didn't know you could suddenly change your attitude. I knew you have dual personality but I did not know you're bipolar!''

''Shut up.''

''Ehem. Anyways, the main key point of you being my successor is the range of your dark magic and emotions.''

''My magic and emotions? What do you mean?''

''An incstrile is not evil but we are never good either. Our nature actually depends on the inner disposition of the inherent vessel that we descended our powers upon. A successor, in other words.''

''That's a very dependable characteristic for you. So, if your successor is good, you will be good. And if they are evil, then you will be evil.'' Rosh said.

Understanding that concept wasn't too complicated. The constitution of incstriles was actually very similar to tamed beasts. Being reflective unto what their master hates and what their master likes.

''You grasped the information quite fast, as expected of you. You're right. That is why, when you, my successor, chooses to do things whether they are good or evil, as long as you have the will, I won't stop you. Instead, I will help you.''

''Help me?''

''You are my successor, not because of the Siltheur's emblem, not because of your dark magic, but because of the terrifying hatred and pain lingering behind your eyes. From now on, you will be supported by me to any path you choose.''

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