Chapter 31

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The entire time I tell Ace about myself,  he listens . No disturbances , no sounds . Here and there he'd nod on parts he could relate to or he understood.  And if I'm to be honest it felt good to let it off my chest .

We are now extremely quiet . We're looking at the stars . The blue of the sky looks wonderful and the little twinkles of the stars just entice me . I didnt know why I did not pay attention to the sky all that time .

"Cass , are you sleeping?" He asks . His voice so ever so gentle . He lightly shakes me , the touch from his fingers , that little transaction sent sparks all through my body .

Fireworks erupted in my stomach , why do I feel this way? What the fuck is happening to me ?

"I'm not sleeping Ace." I say . And sit up,  he joins me .

"Can I ask ?" I asks . I look at him intently . Going in for the question . He nods

"Do you still love her?" I ask . There's a long silence that follows . It's as if his contemplating whether to tell me or not .

"I did . " he says . I dont say anything . Because I know how stupid he must feel for loving someone who hurt him , I've been there too .

" I was counting down the days until I could see her again . I was hoping , waiting that one day one of those guards would come and collect me , and tell me that she's here to visit .

But nothing to date . But my feelings have changed . I dont love her anymore ." He says . I'm proud of him for not loving her anymore .

"I love someone else ." He says . All the time looking at the stars .

As if asking them permission to further explain.  I stay quiet , very quiet . I don't want to miss a single breath that comes out of this man's mouth .

" I watched you. " he says , pulling his eyes shut .

"What?" I croak . My voice failing to sound like a whisper .

"That day you came up here to read . I watched you. " he says .

Suddenly I feel so unsafe , what if he really did rape her . Why am I still sitting here ! Cass dont ignore another red flag the way you did with Jason . Save yourself!!

"Something about watching you watch the stars was so captivating.  I couldn't look away , I just watched the colors of the sky dance against your skin .

I'm sorry if I sound like a creep . My you're um.. you know the word." He says . I know he's trying to say pretty .

What I dont know is whether I should be petty and make him tell me or be matured and understand.

"I dont want to seem crazy to you but um . You're the one that I... love now." He says .

My eyes widen in shock . A gasp riffles through my throat and tears threaten to fall .

He loves me? He doesn't even know me?

He looks at me . The emotion he's just mentioned clear in his eyes .

"I dont know what to say." I say to him .

"That's okay, I'd be more that happy with you sitting next to me and watching the stars with me . Just silently would do ." He says through a smile .

And so we do . The entire time .

I dont know when I fell asleep,  or when I walked down the stairs but I'm in my bed . When my eyes flutter open , I find Isabella staring at me wide eyed.

"So? Tell me." She says .

"Tell you what?" I ask . I'm genuinely confused .

"What made the no-heart-no-emotions-Ace carry you here and lay you on your bed . Did you fuck? Oh my gosh , I feel like a high school girl again." She says , she sounds like one too.

"We were stargazing and I fell asleep ." I say honestly.

"Star gazing? With Ace ? Nobody does that . He never allows anyone up there with him . Haven't you even noticed that there's barely anyone up there at that time?" She asks . Then she looks at me .

"So what did he say?" She asks

"Promise you wont tell anyone?"I ask.

"Cassandra , you're my only friend . Who would I tell ." She asks , giving me a look that says 'really?'

I return a look that consists of a tight lip , one raised eyebrow and eyes that tell her to tell the truth . Reminding her that she tell Anthony everything .

"Okay , okay I wont tell." She says . Smiling at the thought of Anthony , I assume .

"He said he loves me." I say . She falls of the bed .

"What the fuck?" She yells , I dont know whether it's at me or the fact that she fell.

"Ace said he loves you . That man has been keeping a distance from all things female . And just one sight of you , he loves you.? " she says . Then she beams .

"You like him don't you?" She says . Coming very close to my face . She shakes me until I feel like my eyeballs are about to fall out of my sockets .

"Okay , okay . Yes! Yes I like him ." I say honestly . She screams and jumps .

"Wait , we're gonna be late for breakfast . Let's go." She says pulling my hand .

After changing into our orange jumpsuits , we head to the eating area thingie .

Immediately Ace's face meets mine . A smile spreads all over his face . The three men that he's sitting with turn and see me .

Isabella nudges my ribs and I almost fall . Ace gets to my side , and abruptly Isabella is gone .

"Hey." He says . He looks uncomfortable but also very comfortable.  You get me?

"Hey ." I say confidently.  Then I'm reminded that I actually like this guy.

"Let's go get you some food." He says slinging his arm over my shoulders . That's cute  .

He gets a tray of food for the both of us . Wait was he waiting for me so that he can eat? that's so cute .

We walk over to the table . He pulls a chair for me . And then he sits . We dig into our food and a nice conversation.

Author's note .

How is it guys? I actually stretched my schedule just for this chapter.  Right now I'm at school , and I'm typing during history . The teacher is going to kill me if she finds me🤣🤣lmao .

Anyway how was this chapter ? Did you enjoy . Come on, don't be shy tell me your thoughts 😚❤

What do you think of the new cover🤲😊😊😊❤

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Nic275 🧚‍♀️💖😭

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