Chapter 3

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Stiles woke up after 2 weeks, all tests came back clear, but he was diagnosed with PTSD and depression.

"Hey there son, how you feeling."

"Like I've been hit by a bus."

"I'm sorry son, sorry I've let you down. I took on the extra work to pay the bills, I've had a lot of final notices from Eichen House and then there is the hospital bills. I was trying to sort it without worrying you about it".

"You could have told me, I could have got a job after school."

"It's my job to look after you Stiles, and I can't even do that that right. I didn't realise that you were not coping and everything with the pack. Scott said that they were ignoring you, to try and keep you safe and away from the supernatural."

Stiles scoffed at that

"But yet they still wanted my brains because they are all so dumb."

At that point Scott and the pack walked in, having heard what he said.

"I'm going to make some calls, I will be back soon." Noah said giving Scott and the pack a glaring look as he walked out.

Scott just looked at Stiles, he didn't know what to say.

"I'm so sorry Stiles, I didn't mean to cast you aside, I thought you were better off out of it all, but I should have been there for you, I should have been a friend, we all should."

"You made me feel like a murderer, you made me feel like it was my fault I was possessed, and my fault that Allison and Aiden died. I know you was hurting but so was I, I needed you, you were meant to be my brother, and you abandoned me. I could see it in your eyes, all of you, you looked at me like I was monster. I've been in pain for so long, I just needed to end it. "

Noah walked back in, feeling the tension." I think it's best if you all leave, let Stiles get some rest."

They all left Stiles and the sheriff alone.

" Well kiddo, I've just got off the phone to a friend of mine, Joe West, he works for the police department in Central City. He has offered me a job and said you could have a placement there too, his adopted son is a CSI. Crime scene investigator.  I've spoken to the school, and they say you have enough credit to pass so you don't need to go back. I've also spoken to Caitlin, she is going to let us stay with her until we find out own place."

" But you love this place, you love being the sheriff. "

" I love you more and I think we both deserve a fresh start, don't you. "

"Thank you dad, I love you too."

"you need to promise me, you won't do anything like this again."

Stiles looked down, wondering how he was going to tell his dad this, would he believe him?.

"I saw mum."

"What do you mean."

"When I almost died I saw mum, she saved me. She told me I had to come back to you. She said you wouldn't cope without me. She also scolded me for trying to take me own life, made me realise what I was leaving behind. "

" She was always the smart one, your mum."

"she misses u."

"I miss her too, every day." Noah couldn't control the tears.

"Are you OK with leaving Stiles, leaving this place, leaving the pack."

"Yeah like you said, we could both do with a break, and being a CSI sounds fun, I think I will be good at it, after all those time helping you solve your cases.

 "Oh and Caitlin and Cisco can hell me with my powers too ."

"Oh shit." Stiles looked at his dad with wide eyes realizing his mistake.

"STILES, what powers?."

"When I was in Central City over the summer, this Particle Accelerator exploded and caused a massive blast which caused a lot of people to get super human powers, they are called Meta-humans. Oh and I got caught in the blast, so now I have powers, I have fire that comes out of my hands  and something to do with ice, but I can't control it yet. "

" Oh god, why does everything happen to you kid. "

"Also who is Cisco?."

"He works with Caitlin at S. T. A. R labs."

"OK well we have a few days to pack, so if you want to say bye to the pack you can, I will put the house up for sale and get everything in order before we go.."

Stiles had called the pack, cleared the air, he didn't want to leave with a grudge. They all wished him luck and said they would miss him. They agreed to Skype and visit each other in summer holidays.

Everything was in the car, movers had already been to take the bigger stuff and put in storage until they found a house or flat.

They Both stood and looked at the house one last time.

"Let's go daddio."

They drove out of Beacon Hills ready for a new life.

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