12| Love Hormones

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Nothing could have prepared Gray for what he was about to see in the police station

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Nothing could have prepared Gray for what he was about to see in the police station. Standing side by side with his older brother Brad didn't do much to ease his shock. He gripped the sleeve of Brad's black lawyer suit as soon as he caught a glimpse of his beloved Jesse, entering the waiting hall with an officer.

Jesse turned to them and the look on his once heavenly face was terrifying. It held anger, it held revulsion, and most recognized was a stare of hatred. The bruises under his red eyes darkened. He hid his messy hair under the blue hood and his fists inside the pockets like a drug dealer about to commit a murder.

Jesse was no longer the Jesse they knew. Even his walk was different.

"He doesn't look so happy to see us," muttered Brad, a hint of fear detected in his voice. "What do you think happened there?"

"I don't know."

Gray gulped. He never witnessed his best friend that mad in their entire years of friendship. Not even when Gray checked his grades without his permission yesterday. Not even when Sarah dared to dump him last year, or before that when Michelle scraped his car when he dumped her. Not ever.

Jesse had always been a cheerful patient guy. Not this time, he wasn't.

The police officer gestured for Jesse that he was allowed to leave. Jesse mouthed a 'thank you' before he marched toward Gray, holding his hostile stare.

Brad and Gray walked ahead to meet him halfway. Once they met him, Jesse aggressively pushed Gray.

"About damn time." He glared at Brad then back at Gray. "You said you were on your way."

"They made us wait," Brad explained. "You know how people get drunk and stupid on the first days of summer vacation. This place was packed. We had to wait for our turn to bail you out."

"Oh, my Lord." Jesse rubbed his temples. "Just shut up! Shut up already."

"Hey!" Gray stood between them, his tall shadow landing on Jesse's face. "You can't talk to him like that. You should be thankful." He pointed at Brad. "Brad did a hell of a good job getting you out in just 3 hours of being in custody."

"3 hours!" Jesse stared at the windows near the entrance. "You've got to be kiddin' me." The sun was setting, casting orange lights from outside. "It's only been 3 hours in this shit hole?"

The boys could see how badly Jesse was mentally struggling; he was clasping his head as if it was about to explode. His confusion made them wonder how serious his injuries after the accident really were.

"I'm sorry. I thought... I thought I've been here longer than that."

Those were the longest three hours of Jesse's life.

"Jesse. It's alright." Brad gave him a friendly pat, getting his attention. "Let's get you home. You look tired."

"I am." Jesse's eyes glistened and his voice trembled. "I'm so tired."

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