Guess who's Back

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Back again!

Sorry, I had to.

Anyways! Hello everyone! It has been one hell of a long time, hasn't it? As for everyone who's been on the journey with me from the beginning of this fic and to the newer readers who are finding this story now, I just want to say
Thank You.

I appreciate all of you and am so happy and greatful that you've come to like this story despite its many flaws and the fact that I've come to despite it. However, I have good news and bad news. The bad news is that this is the last chapter of this particular fic. I have come a long way since the start of this fic and it has helped me through some tough times in my life but now this feels tainted by the same memories of the times it has helped me through.

I'm no longer as invested in this particular fic and storyline nor as into the fandom as I once was. I've really come to hate a lot of things about this and have wished to change a lot about it for a while now.

However, I can't leave you guys with an unfinished story and I don't have the heart to delete this after all the work put into it and seeing how much people still love it.

So, the good news is, I have finally posted the first chapter of the re-written fic! For those of you who wish to read it, go right on ahead. It is, hopefully, going to be far better than this one and I hope it shows just how much I've improved since the start of this chaotic journey. It has been one hell of a time!

I just want to say thank you guys again for coming along on this journey with me and I hope you will enjoy whatever else I happen to crank out from here on out. I Love and appreciate everyone of you guys!

I hope everyone has a wonderful day/evening/night!
Later my lovely gators!
Thank you for reading this fic!


Author out ♥️

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