Holy Brothers Batman

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SaulyCermeno: a serious suggestion where the bat brothers try to get along with each other. doing activities like fairs, movies, cooking

I loved your suggestion and the feedback you gave me, so since this is Daddybats and not just regular Batfam, I've altered it slightly to incorporate Bruce more and some superhero action. (Possible Character Death) I hope you enjoy!

"It'll be a bright day in Gotham before I do any of those things." Jason Todd was not very happy this morning, but it was morning and only Dick Grayson seemed to be able to smile.

"Father, you cannot expect me to spend a day with these imbeciles." Damian Wayne, the youngest and only blood son to Bruce Wayne was also unhappy.

"Can we go some other time? I'm really busy doing... Anything else." Tim Drake was barely awake, with a cup of coffee in his hands he did his best to argue along with his younger and older brothers.

"I think it's going to be great!" Of course Dick was the only one enthusiastic about family bonding time. He was the oldest and always thought it was his responsibility to keep their whole family together, it was harder than it looked.

"So it's settled then, we'll leave in an hour for the fair and then we'll enter the cooking competition, without Alfred." The boys knew that with Alfred on their team they would win automatically, but Bruce insisted on them working together for once. After all, he was a father of sorts to each of them, he needed to play the role.

About an hour later, everyone piled into one of the cars and Alfred dropped them off at the Gotham fair. Things went smoothly at first, Bruce went and registered the boys for the competition, four members was the limit on the team, and since three out of the four wanted out, he decided it would be the most fair if he just watched from the stands. Damian went with Dick on some roller coasters, scowling every time he was too short and they had to find a more 'child friendly' ride. Not that Damian was very child friendly himself. Tim and Jason were hanging out in the area with the carnival games and food. They each had some funnel cake, and took turns beating each other in games. Jason won the game where they had to shoot down sheep with the water guns, Tim won the game where they had to fish for magnetic frogs and ducks, but somehow they managed to tie perfectly on the Whack-a-Mole, before going to another game to see who was the best.

By the time of the competition, they were all a little tired and maybe just a little glad they came. But their smiles faded when they realized they would need to bake their own pie and have actual people eat it if they wanted to win. They always wanted to win. The most Jason ever cooked was making cereal or a peanut butter sandwich, Tim only ever made coffee, and Damian never had to lift a finger when it came to meals with the assassins. Once again it was up to Dick to teach them how to make his favorite pie from the circus. When the air-horn blew, they were already at work. Dick started by writing down every ingredient and step that was involved in the recipe so that the others could round it all up. After that, Tim and Damian worked on pie crust while Dick and Jason made the filling.

They worked extremely hard trying their best to create the desired pie that would keep them from losing, they didn't notice the men silently approaching Bruce from behind. Bruce noticed of course, but he was a civilian at the moment and wouldn't be able to do a thing, the best he could do was keep the boys from noticing so that they could continue the competition, which seemed to be working well in terms of making them get along with each other. The men grabbed Bruce at the waist and mouth and pulled him backwards as he struggled using his average billionaire strength. Soon he was tied up under the competition stage,, three men standing in front of him each with a gun.

"Hello Mr. Wayne, pleasure to meet you." The closest guy said as he inched forwards some more. Bruce tried and struggled to break free, but again, the billionaire couldn't possibly get out of the ropes that bound him. "Here's the deal, you're gonna give us 10,000 dollars the exact way we tell you to, and if you don't, you and the people above us will be blown to bits." He walked forwards the rest of the way and strapped a bomb vest to Bruce and handed him a laptop.Bruce didn't see any way out of this, so he slowly logged into his banking accounts.

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