Chapter 4.1 - Rewrite

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Hello everybody! It's been a while, hasn't it.
So, some updates on why the story stalled for so long. Primarily, I burnt out. Plain and simple, i wrote myself into a wedge, and I didn't like how the tale was progressing. Secondly, I wasn't doing the original works justice, nor was I able to dedicate the time to the novel i felt it deserves. My own creativity called and i launched into those works. Checkpoint and Path of the Necromancer - FACTION WARS the prime culprit. Lastly,  I wasn't getting the feedback or input I needed to stay motivated. It sounds lame, like a cop-out, but it's sadly the truth.

Regardless, I'm back now and going to try and keep to a weekly - or every other week depending on life stuff - upload schedule. 
As it has been so long in the waiting, i hope you can all understand that this will be quite a jarring difference in writing style. I've developed a lot from the time this was last touched.
That being said, i hope you enjoy it!

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The gathered Felician Delegation sat with Michael in one of the large briefing room. The expansive wooden desk made the large room seem small. Michael sat at it's head, with Dejah at his side and Raverjah across. The room was heady with tension. With so many eyes trained on them, it was hard to miss the trend of Raverjah's selection as leader.

"Where should we start?" Michael pressed.

"We need a map of our home system," Raverjah started, "You'll need to see a representation of our defensive strategies."

On que, a panel opened in the centre of the table. A black glass dome, inset into a smooth chromed disk, rose and - with a faint whir - the projector came to life. The three dimensional hologram came to shape under Pan's control.

"Felician Home Sector." Pandora's disembodied voice spoke.

"Yes," Raverjah nodded. Dejah elected to label the various points of light on the image. "While our home, Caeruleus-Ungula, is similar to your own, we've a greater mass. I presume you already know the difference in our physiology?"

"Terrans are taller, with a greater emphasis on stamina from early evolution." Michael confirmed. "Felicians tend towards the compact, powerful builds with greater strength but compromised endurance."

Once Caeruleus-Ungula was labelled, "Your planet is beautiful." Michael commented. It was distinctly ovoid in shape, the poles elongated. It's largest continent lay on the Southern hemisphere, broken only by vast rivers and waterways.

"It was." Raverjah's bitterness wasn't lost on the room. "These," He indicated various peripheral dots, "Were the initial colony worlds. Due to the magnitude of our star, our system is rich in resources."

Michael nodded. It was clear to see which ones the Delegation had selected. Their home system was blessed with multiple proto planets near their home. Good for outposts, but poor for colonizing. Perhaps the most unique feature in the system, was a pair of contrarotating worlds.

"Are they linked together?" Michael blinked.

Raverjah grinned. "Indeed. Neodymium polymers use the planets magnetic field to stabilise the tethers. It was here our sister race originates."

"I remember hearing about that." Michael said softly. Another species, with less than 1% genome difference, discovered early in astrological exploration, was remarkable. "The discovery fuelled your wars of unification and exploration."

"An oversimplified version of events, but yes; those worlds are our primary reason for the position we held within the CA." Raverjah mused. He ran a hand through his hair, fanning the strands off his forehead. "As you can see, our exploration led us straight to them."

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