⚜Chapter 25: A Vicious Cycle

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A/N: Nov 5th, 2021

Hi guys! Lots of you guys asked for me to update TRS on my Instagram live, so voila. Thank you for being patient. I loved chatting with you guys, I had had much fun! I'll definitely do another live soon 💕 there were so many questions that I didn't get to answer 🥲

If you guys want to join my next live, make sure to follow me on Instagram! Hope to see you guys soon :)

And please don't forget to leave a vote for this chapter ❤❤ thank you my loves


"What are you doing? Run!" I shouted at Peter and Clyde. Whether they ran or not, that was their problem. When I turned around the corner, I noticed that Peter and Clyde were behind me. Maybe they weren't as dumb as I thought.

But why did I feel like I've been running away from people more than I've been studying?!

"Why did you save us?" Peter asked as he caught up to me.

"Don't get the wrong idea. I was just tryna take a piss," I grumbled.

Peter blinked in surprise. Call me crazy, but I think he even smiled.

Nylon and his gang were on our tail. Clyde was falling behind due to his injuries. I noticed that he was slightly limping too. At this rate, he'd fall behind and get caught.

"Hey, Peter Pan, grab Clyde and find a teacher," I said.

"Wait, what about you?"

"I need to get myself another dog tag, what do you think?" I snorted. His eyebrows pulled together but before he could say anything, I stopped running and turned around, facing Nylon who was now only a few meters away. Nylon charged straight towards me like a raging bull and threw the first punch. I hardly managed to dodge it but thank god I did. I swung the wooden leg against the side of his head and he hissed in pain, staggering sideways.

"Fucking bastard!" he snarled, pressing his hand against his injury.

"Ah, I've been called worse," I shrugged.

His friends, idiot A and idiot B, joined him. Idiot A grabbed me by the collar and threw a punch. I tilted my head back but idiot B, the one holding a bat, slammed his weapon against the side of my leg. I cried in pain and bent forward. Nylon slammed his knee into my gut and I gagged. He grabbed my shirt and pulled me in to punch me, but I grabbed his shoulders and slammed my forehead against his. The ringing pain that echoed through my ears made me see stars. Not my smartest move.

Idiot A came back for me, but I grabbed his arm and twisted it behind his back, hooking my foot around his ankle and pushing him down first. Idiot B tried to swing his bat again, but I ducked and it smashed into the wall behind me. I charged at him and we both went crashing onto the floor. I straddled my legs around his waist and slammed my fist repeatedly against his face until Nylon yanked me back and tossed me onto the floor.

He slammed his foot against my hand before crushing my arm and shoulder, and I hissed in pain when he pressed his weight against my bones. I tried to pull away but his foot locked with my jaw and I was sent rolling sideways. Black blobs darkened my vision, but before I could pull my senses together, Nylon straddles his strong legs around my waist and wrapped his hands around my neck.

My eyes bulged out as he blocked the air from getting to my oxygen. Ah fuck, strangling was a bitch way to go. Panic, fear, and more panic. You felt trapped and helpless. I kicked and squirmed, but he was too strong. My lungs began to burn and my vision turned warbled. All I could see was Nylon's ugly ass face and the murderous look in his eyes. I thought he would release his grip, but no, he was going for the kill. I realized that Vadim may not be the only murderer in this school.

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