•No one•

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Summary: Luke beats on JJ and he only wants you but you're his dirty little secret that he wants to keep away from the Pogues.
Warnings: abuse, swearing, emotional

Warnings: abuse, swearing, emotional

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"You piece of shit! I wish you were never fucking born!" It was getting hard to breathe. He just kept hitting and hitting me. I couldn't tell what was worse. The hits or his words. What did I ever do to my dad? If you can even call him that anymore.

After hours of fucking torture he left. I can barely breathe and I know for a fact that I can't stand. I just wanna go to bed. I'm so tired. I gotta call John B.

I quickly and painfully grabbed my phone from my pocket and called Jb.

(John b in bold, JJ in normal)

JJ it's like 3 in the fucking morning-

M-my house, dad, bad, hurry

JJ? I'm on my way. J-just hang on man.

I hung up the phone and closed my eyes. I can't do it anymore. I'm so tired.

John b POV

As soon as JJ called I knew something had to be wrong especially since it was so early in the morning.  When he hung up a feeling of utter fear filled my body. He couldn't even complete a full sentence. He sounded weak and in a lot of pain. I kept telling him to stop going home. Why can't he ever listen?

I sprung up from my bed and grabbed my keys. I didn't even bother to put a shirt on. I sped to JJ's house and when I walked in I was met with a full on mess. Lamps were broken, cushions were all over the place and beer cans on top of beer cans. Yet the thing that stood out the most was the splattered blood on the floor and walls. I found JJ near the kitchen with a lot of blood surrounding him. I almost didn't recognize him. It was hard to pick out his facial features.

It didn't look like he was breathing.

"JJ!" I yelled and ran over to him. I had no idea what to do. I scrabbled to get my phone and texted Pope to get over here. I looked over JJ and was trying to figure out what his injuries were and how bad they were. I noticed a lot of bruises and cuts on his face and arms. I gently lifted up JJ's shirt and immediately put it back down to cover the horror.

As I was trying to wake JJ up Pope came booming into the house, "John B! JJ!" He yelled. "Over here!" I yelled back. Pope soon came into view with a bag of supplies. Pope's eyes widened and his breath hitched, "Oh my god." He muttered to himself. He quickly got over and kneeled down to his level. Pope looked at me and I could see the water in his eyes.

"We have to get him back to the chateau. If his dad comes back we're all dead." Pope said. I nodded in agreement and we lifted JJ up. We finally got him in the Twinkie and again I sped to the chateau. Pope was in the back with JJ's in his lap trying to make him up, "JJ, c'mon man wake up!" He yelled frustrated. Soon enough I pulled into the chateau. Once inside we put him in his room and laid him on the bed. As we put him down he started to moan in pain. Absolute worst sound I have ever heard.

JJ Maybank and Rudy Pankow imagines <33Where stories live. Discover now