11. interwind

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Days pass and I feel entirely better, besides all the time I protest them to not take care of me they did either way. mostly, Giovanni, he has been at my side the whole time. Saying very few words just watching me. as if I was gonna break. And I know Ace told him something because he texting me and calling me to eat, every day.

I walked out of logans room closing the door behind me, I helped him study before he and the guys were going to a party. they just came back from practice, thinking about him get me excited. I can't wait to touch him, every time I even look at him, I think of that dam chain. hanging over my face.

I walked to the kitchen, pulling out a glass of apple juice, they seem to always have it here now. "you and this dam apple juice," I jumped back looking at Giovanni. He stood against the counter.

his shirt was off and his hair damp. His plaid pajama pants hung low on his waist. and that dam chain.

"you of all people should know it my favorite," I smiled looking up at him. The tension grew thick. I nibbled on the edge of my lips, I didn't miss his eyes dashing towards my lips.

"When are you done studying?" He asked, Stepping one step towards me. " in thirty more minutes," I whispered, casting my eyes to the floor.

"After the boys leave?" He whispered, stepping closer to me. I nodded walking away from him before I can he grabbed the apple juice out of my hand taking another sip like he did that day.

I guess this is my favorite too," He says, Your my favorite Giovanni.

I rushed to logans room, letting out a deep breath before entering. We studied for exactly thirty more minutes and I left a little early to freshen up. I showed and thanked the gods I got waxed yesterday, I brush my teeth. I didn't put any makeup on there was no valid point.

I slipped on a matching pair of underwear but slipped the same clothes I had on earlier so it doesn't seem too excited for what about to go down. Physically I'm fine, mentally Im freaking out Giovanni about to see me naked. And he gonna touch me in places I always dreamed that he did touch me at.

Okay, ivory be cool.

I drink some water sitting on my couch. I don't know why I'm waiting but I am. I don't want the boys to know that Giovanni and I will be sleeping together, their my friends and if something goes wrong I don't want them to make it seem like it was their fault.

my phone lights up and Giovanni's nickname pops up.

#1 cocky football player: they guys left come on up.

Me: okay :)

I pressed the code to the private elevator. As they open up showing the interior design I'm familiar with. Fear and excitement filled my stomach, Is this really a good idea. Making this deal just sleeping with him, when I said I wanted to be with Giovanni I never expected this.

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