Chapter 5: Neil's Chance at Carpe Diem

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Gwendolyn sat on Neil's bed, across from Todd, a notepad settled in her lap and a pen stuck behind her ear. She watched as Todd wrote, sometimes scribbling furiously and occasionally ripping the page out.

She blew out a breath as Todd ripped his...fourth piece of paper and crumpled it up, putting it near the others on his bed.

"I'm sure what you've written is fine Todd. Maybe you can let me read some of it?" She pressured, a hopeful look on her face.

"No." Todd said, the singular syllable dropping like a hundred bricks.

"Fine. Be stubborn." She sighed and jumped slightly as Neil came rushing into the dorm, smiling like he'd won the lottery.

"I found it."

"Found what?" Todd asked, grabbing the sheet of paper Neil handed him.

"What I wanna do right now. What's really inside of me."

"And what's that?" Gwendolyn drawled, catching Neil's attention.

"And what are you doing on my bed? You and Todd aren't getting up to anything are you?" Todd choked, Gwendolyn flushed.

"Unless you count me watching Todd rip sheets of paper out of his notepad as "getting up to anything" then no."

"A Midsummer Night's Dream?" Todd asked no one in particular.

"What?!" Gwendolyn screeched, rushing over and grabbing the paper out of Todd's hands, "No way!"

"What is it?" Todd questioned.

Gwendolyn looked at him, mouth unhinged, "You're not serious!"

"It's a play dummy." Neil laughed in Todd's direction.

"I know that. What does it have to do with you?"

"Alright they're putting it on at Henley Hall. Open tryouts."

Gwendolyn's eyes almost popped out of her skull, "Open. Tryouts?! You're gonna—"

"I'm gonna act!" He climbed up onto the bed. Gwendolyn nearly screamed, "Yes, yes I'm gonna be an actor!" He wrapped a blanket around his shoulders, "Ever since I can remember I've wanted to try this! I even tried to go to summer stock auditions last year, but of course my father wouldn't let me. For the first time in my whole life, I know what I wanna do." Neil had moved around the room, standing atop various things.

Gwendolyn fell back onto Neil's bed, hair splaying out everywhere.

"And for the first time...I'm gonna do it!" He threw papers in the air, "Whether my father wants me to or not. Carpe diem!"

"Carpe diem!" Gwendolyn yelled cheerfully.

"Neil hold on." Todd was starting to reorganize his papers, "How are you gonna be in a play if your father won't let you?"

"First I gotta get the part, then I can worry about that."

"Won't he kill you if he finds out you went to an audition and didn't tell him?"

"As far as I'm concerned, he's not gonna know anything about this."

Todd hesitated, "That's impossible."

"Bullshit! Nothing's impossible."

Gwendolyn spoke up, "I agree with you on that but...why don't you just call him and ask, maybe he'll say yes."

Neil turned around and snorted, "That's a laugh. At least if I don't ask him, I won't be disobeying him."

"Yeah...but if he said no—" Todd started.

 𝐖𝐇𝐈𝐓𝐄 𝐑𝐈𝐁𝐁𝐎𝐍 ~ 𝐃𝐞𝐚𝐝 𝐏𝐨𝐞𝐭𝐬 𝐒𝐨𝐜𝐢𝐞𝐭𝐲Where stories live. Discover now