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The sun is shining brightly down on me, I let my free hand out of my front seat window to feel the morning breeze and oh my god! Is this what you call freedom?

I can almost taste it after being trapped in that small town I came from, with Andrea my constant bully since 5th grade, with the people in Sawdale always prying with eachothers business, and with my hilarious mom who loves me unconditionally. Don't get me wrong I love her for so many reasons, actually for a gazillion reasons but for the first time in forever I'm going to be on my own, I'm going to be independent and live my life to its fullest but not leaving behind all my straight A's I promised that to my myself before deciding to reinvent myself. But anyway when I say I'm going to live my life to the fullest I mean it. I really do.


"Oh my god! Not this Papa!" disappointment run through my blood. Every house in this ville shouts for MONEY and I'm afraid mine will have to be too.

Okay. My mother is hilarious but my father is ridiculous. Because he is a business tycoon who supplies motor parts all over the country he is always extra. We lived in the city when he was new to the business, but when he had the opportunity to suceed, he immediately grabbed it, he took a risk and became the most respected person in the insdustry. Then when I was in fifth grade he bought a house in smalltown called Sawdale, but my mother have always loved the peace and quiet nature of a smalltown. And so, my father gave her what she wanted and we moved as fast as we could. It was that moment when my life totally changed because the kids in Sawdale Middle School hated me so much. Getting back to how I came to driving in Sunnyvile, my father insisted that I should take his offer which is the house. At first, it was a hard NO for me and asked them repeatedly that I could just live in the university dormitory, but my mom bugged me for days pleading with her oww so lovey dovey eyes and so I took it but with one condition that it should be the way I like. I told my dad that if I didn't like it I'll have to give it back to him and I'll find another. When I say I didn't like it, it means that its RIDICULOUSLY big and extra. Because I intend to stay lowkey until I graduate. I intend to reinvent myself and find the real me without the prying eyes of the whole town, without the bullies who took advantage of my weaknesses. I don't want to flaunt my dad's money even though I am his only heir.

Why did I even choose to do these path instead of becoming that sole heir drama queen? Because all those years living in Sawdale I was no one, yes my parents are super rich and well respected but the people in Sawdale treated me differently. Just because I had these thick eyeglasses, had braces, and my grades are straight A's my schoolmates bullied me everyday. Especially Andrea and her boyfriend Jake. Right now I'm ditching that nerd vibe in me, but will be keeping all my good grades until forever.

I turned to my right because my GPS indicated that my so called HOUSE is the 3rd house down that street. I've noticed that all the big houses were gone now and not small but exactly the one's I love are the only houses I can see.

As I parked in my driveway I sighed with relief. Finally I'm here and the house isn't ridiculously big. I opened my door and step out of my Car taking off my ray ban with style.

"This is going to be epic" I said to myself and started to walk to the front door.

Keys? Yeah it's here with my car keys. I unlocked the door and finally saw the almost empty living room a gray couch was placed at the center with an android TV attached to the wall, I smiled to myself how my father knows me so well, because I will definitely rearrange this place if I didn't like it. But he is still extra because he hired someone to fix and get things ready before I came here. The refrigerator was a little extra though because it'S big and it is already full of my favorite food, but i love the kitchen and the dining area because it's in the same area with the living room, the only extra thing to it is the refrigerator.

I love it here and I'm already excited to put some aesthetic decorations all over these house.

I went upstairs to check on my room and when I got to the first door it was small and empty. With just a bed that is already made at the corner and a desk. I knew it isn't mine because my things aren't there so I walked to the second room, and it has almost the same arrangement as the first room. The door at the end of the hallway better be my room. Why did he have to choose a three bedroom house? When I opened the door I saw white sheets and a curtain at the left side of the room while at the right side of it was my study desk and a door which I guess leads to the bathroom. I instantly froze when I saw nothing else in my bedroom besides the above mentioned furnitures and a small white envelope placed at the top of my sheets. "That's why he told me to bring just my cellphone, car, and a few clothes to wear for a couple of days. And this is so extra" I said to myself sighing. I sat at the edge of my bed and opened the white envelope, as I have guessed it was a credit card and a letter.


We didn't want to tell you before you left. And we are so sorry for this, we know how you would want to start anew and we are giving you the opportunity to do so. You can start by redecorating your home, buying your necessities and some university stuff. We are allowing you to splurge on the things you like because we know that your a wise kid and that you will only buy the things you need. We know that you hate extra stuff like these stuffs, but we are thankful because you've been a good child and caused us no trouble while you are growing up that is why we reward you with these extra things and because you truly deserve it. We know you've been through a lot and it is time to reward yourself too. So Enjoy life and make friends. We love you Sam


Without knowing it tears fell from my eyes because of the hapiness that I feel right now. I'm almost there. "HELLO FREEDOM!" as I shouted, my voice booming inside my house. This feels so great. Thank you PAPA and MAMA for this very extra reward.

After I took a shower I called my mom telling her that I've settled in already. I did not forget to thank her and my dad for everything they did for me. She did not keep me long and said that I should start preparing for my classes next week as I have so many things to do according to her. Which is true because my house is still an almost empty space.

I almost forgot, today was also the freshman orientation, so I hurriedly wore my clothes, combed my newly dyed red hair, and wore a pair of sneakers and jumped in my car.

The university is just outside Sunnyville so I got there without any hassle. When I pulled my car in the parking lot, students, I guess freshmen were heading to the auditorium for the orientation. I turned my engine and radio off, grabbed my shoulder bag and went out of my car. That's when I got face to face with Noah. This is so not true. This is practically a joke. Just when I decided to live my life to the fullest I've bumped with someone who knows me. Oh my Gee!

"Hi! I'm Noah!" he greeted me with a smile and handed me a form. "Are you a freshman?" he asked and I nodded. "Okay! Please fill this form and you're ready to go!" I grabbed the form and pen he handed to me and filled the form on top of my car. "What's your name freshie?" I heard him ask me. Oh wait. He doesn't know me? He forgot about me? This is such a relief. He raised his eyebrows opened his mouth. "This is first day Freshie and you're already drooling at me?" he deadpanned me. Okay this is typical Nathan!

"Excuse me?" I said in an annoyed manner.

"What's your name?" he asked me again with a smirk on his face.

"Sam" I said in low voice.

"Okay Sam here's your name tag! It's protocol that you wear it for this afternoon. I'll be your guide until the orientation ends so please stop drooling at me again for the rest of the afternoon." He said coolly.

I stand there as my jaw dropped at him as his self proclaiming short program is going on. So this is my first day and I'm stuck with him. LUCKY ME.

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⏰ Ostatnio Aktualizowane: Jun 16, 2021 ⏰

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