Epilogue (finally)

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A/N: Sorry it took me so long to get around to posting this. When I said "to follow" I thought I would have it up within a few weeks, but then I got super stuck on what to do with the characters and the forward part of it. I worked on it bit by bit and now have finally finished it because well, it needed to happen obviously. So here it is. Again, sorry. Hope it's decent enough >.<


“Is that the last of everything?” Deacon asked, shoving a mini-fridge against the wall at the foot of Rory’s bed.

“I think so. Mom went downstairs to check if there was anything else,” Rory said, surveying the mess of the room. There were boxes everywhere and he was dreading having to unpack. “Do I have to go to the stupid freshmen welcome?” Rory asked, checking to make sure that his RA wasn’t lurking behind him to hear him call it stupid.

“Not really. They tour you around campus some more, and then maybe do a walk to all your classes, but you’ve got me for that.” Deacon hung his arm around Rory’s shoulders and pulled him in for a side hug. Neither of them were quite used to the growth spurt that Rory had had in his last year of high school; now he was only a few inches shorter than Deacon.

“Has Aaron shown up yet?” Deacon questioned tentatively.

“Not yet. I think he and his dad are showing up later.” Rory knew that Deacon didn’t like the idea of Rory having a roommate—nothing against Aaron, but Rory had never had to share a room with someone before, and neither of them were sure how some of his tendencies might act up again. Aaron had been given a run down about it all though, so they could only hope it would work out for the best.

“When your mom leaves, I’ll take you off campus to eat,” Deacon said. “There’s a good Thai restaurant a little north of campus.”

Rory’s mom came running back in with a small open-top box of a few miscellaneous items. “I think this is the last of it,” she announced, setting it on the bed. “I don’t think there’s much else for me here, unless you want some help unpacking?”

“No, I’m good,” Rory grumbled. He had all weekend to be working on that. Carrying everything up three flights of stairs to his floor had been enough for the day.

“Okay,” she huffed quietly before yanking him into a hug. “I’ll come up and see you again next weekend, okay? And call me after your first day of classes. Now I’ve got to go side-track to Kristen’s place on my way back down before it gets too late in the day.” She took another minute to let go of Rory though. “Ugh, it was hard enough with Kristen, but now you’re off too,” she finally whined at the end, sniffing and holding back tears.

Rory sent a panicked look to Deacon, who then pried Rory’s mom away. “He’ll call, and I’ll drive him down on some of the weekends when we don’t have too much homework,” Deacon promised. “Kristen’s probably waiting for you, so we’ll see you next time, okay?”

With that Deacon had successfully walked her out of Rory’s room. Rory flopped back onto his bed, and Deacon came back to slide some of Rory’s boxes to his one side of the room. “Let’s get some food while we wait for Aaron,” Deacon declared.

They had to dodge around people carrying boxes and other things up to the dorm floor as they made it downstairs and out into the parking lot. Deacon had managed to get his hands on a cheap car that got him from point A to point B, but didn’t have much else to it. The radio, heater and air conditioning were all broken, and one of the windows wouldn’t roll down, but it had wheels.

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