𝙵𝚒𝚏𝚝𝚢 𝙵𝚘𝚞𝚛

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"We outnumbered." Jasper stated as him, Clara, Alice and Edward walked out the house leaving behind Rosalie to care for Renesmee.

"By a lot." Alice added.
"I won't let them hurt my family." Edward glared at the wolves. Just then the wolves emerged out the tall trees, coming into the light and showing themselves. The wolves and vampires growled at one another. Sam, the black wolf who was the biggest and also the alpha, initiated the fight as he ran and tackled over Edward.

The other wolves followed and Clara ran and slammed two of them in the chest making them fly and collide against a tree. As she kicked away a wolf, another huge wolf tackled her midair and she shouted as she flew away and landed on the ground. Clara survived barely as she rolled on the ground just as the wolf jumped on it. She quickly got up and growled and grabbed the wolf's head and threw it the other side over at Jasper who punched it unconscious.

"Darlin'! You okay?" He asked and she nodded. Carlisle, Esme and Emmett who had returned from hunting immediately joined in the fight, punching and kicking away the werewolves who had all ganged up against Jasper and Edward.

Clara saw Alice struggling and quickly ran over and helped her. Alice held tight to its head while Clara gripped its tail. The two vampires gave a small nod to each other before slamming the wolf hard on the ground rendering it unconscious.

The fight continued for a few more minutes before Jacob walked out the house and shouted,
"Stop!! It's over!!!" He walked down the steps and announced,
"If you kill her!! You kill me!!"

At this, all the vampires ran over to stand by each other while the other wolves momentarily paused. Sam growled and tackled the unsuspecting Clara to the ground, trying to rip her head off. She shouted and used all her strength to push away his head from her neck. Jasper snarled at the wolf and was about to lunge at him until Jacob phased to his wolf form and pounced at Sam and threateningly snarling at the alpha.
Jasper was quick to help Clara up and wrap his arm tight around her waist to keep her close to him.

"Jacob imprinted." Edward stated reading the wolf's mind. All their eyes widened in shock and Clara and Alice's mouth fell agape as they all tried to process in the fact that Jacob Black, a wolf, had imprinted on Renesmee, a baby hybrid.

"They can't hurt her. Whoever a wolf imprints on cannot he hurt. It's their absolute law." Clara added. During the time of their research on immortal children, she had come across a wolf page and had read it all. And if what Edward said was true, then the entire family were safe from werewolf attacks as long as Renesmee was with them or as long as they did not start an unnecessary battle with the wolves.

The wolves growled in defeat and scoffed as they backed away slowly and left the venue, running away deep into the forest.

Jasper kissed his wife's temple and smiled proudly at her. Clara giggled and returned the smile as all the vampires let out a sigh of relief.

It Was Finally Over.


Clara zipped in a blue short dress while Rosalie combed Bella's hair, Alice did her makeup and Esme cleaned off Bella. The 4 Cullen vampires wanted to make sure that Bella would wake up beautiful and neat into her new life as a vampire, rather than bloody and messed up.

"How long do you think it'd take? The process?" Esme asked.

"She'll wake up soon. I saw a vision" Alice chirped and the girls chuckled before leaving the room.

They entered the living room where they heard Renesmee bawling and tears falling from the baby's eyes.

"We leave for 10 minutes! And she's already crying?" Alice asked in disbelief.

"What did you do?!" Rosalie asked.

"Nothing. Edward and Jasper were playing with Renesmee and I accidentally made my speaker too loud. Then she started crying!!" Emmett exclaimed and they sighed and rolled their eyes.

"We've been trying to calm her." Jasper stated.
"But nothing has been working." Edward sighed.

"She's hungry you fools." Rosalie grunted and got out a bottle. Clara giggled at their hopelessness and slowly cradled at the crying Renesmee in her arms. Rosalie came over and handed Clara the bottle which she put in Renesmee's mouth and allowed the baby to gulp down the entire bottle.

Clara laughed as Rosalie took the bottle back. "You're one hungry baby aren't you sunshine?" She softly asked. Renesmee giggled and as if she understood, gave a small 'ung'.

A few seconds after, Renesmee yawned loudly and the Cullens all chuckled in adore.

"Baby's sleepy!" Alice squealed, taking a picture. She was making a baby album for Renesmee knowing how fast growing the child was.

Clara smiled and rocked the baby in her arms back and forth as she softly hummed a tune.
Jasper grinned and closed his eyes in delight. Clara's humming was delicate and gentle and was as soft as silk. It looked like Renesmee felt the same as she let out a small giggle before closing her eyes and falling asleep with small snores.

Clara smiled and gently placed the baby down in her cot and covered her with a blanket so she wouldn't be cold. She turned to Emmett and sternly told,
"None of you will wake her up. Especially you Emmett."

"Yes boss." Emmett gave a fake salute and Clara giggled going over to her and Jasper's room and plopping to the bed beside husband who held her in his arms.

"You would have been a wonderful mother Darlin'." He stated. Jasper felt bad during times like this. Clara was an amazing girl who could have been an great mother, if only she hadn't met him.

Clara saw this and kissed his lips. "Jaz, don't think that way. I may not be able to have children, but I have you don't I? I think having an eternity with the person I love makes up for it." She told and he chuckled, nodding.

"I love you Darlin'." He mumbled and Clara giggled.

"Love you too Jaz."


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