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السَّلاَمُ عَلَيْكُمْ وَرَحْمَةُ اللهِ وَبَرَكَاتُهُ

How are you all?

I hope you all are doing well by the grace of Allah سبحانہ وتعالیٰ.

As a title says, it's an opportunity to all my readers to come forward and take part in the 'SPIRITUAL FAN FICTION CONTEST'. It's a contest where you can write on your favourite books or characters and also get the opportunity to get your works recognised. Fifteen authors has been selected in this contest of whose books / characters you can write and I am one of them. Alhamdu'lillah!

What you all have to do is go and follow all the rules it has and submit the work in 15 days i.e., before 5th July 2021.

For better understanding, here is the description of the book.

As a reader, we suffer through insurmountable wishes to make the characters of the story we adore, to do what we want, we dream a hundred scenarios for the upcoming chapter update, we never desire our favorite character's to go through hardships and never, ever want them to die.

But our dreams have always been ours.

This is a prompt to change it.

You, as a fan, reader, will get the chance to pen 1500 words of the lives of your most favorite character, can make the dead alive, put back the oxygen supply to save an MC, make the character fall for the one you shipped die hardly, literally, you can do anything.

By this way, you will get a chance to write and make your favorite Author to read your writings.

Through this we provide the writers an opportunity to attract readers, If people like your writing perspectives, you may get them to read your other works published in your profile.

A once in a lifetime opportunity, truly!

I hope all is clear now about what this contest is about.

If there is still more queries, drop your comments down and I will clear them all. In Shaa Allah.

So what are you all waiting for? Go and grab this opportunity and write about your favourite characters/books.

I would really love to see if anyone of you come forward and write about any of my characters or books. You can write on any book of mine.

Grab your pens and start writing soon before the time rushes out.

I am tagging the host of this contest here so that you can reach the book easily.

__Miss_Fantasy__, the host of Spiritual Fan Fiction Contest.

Come on, you have a opportunity to write on Zaydan, Hooriya, or the cousins or Naimla and Adeel or even the villain of the story and so many more characters of mine. Quickly grab this opportunity fast before the time rushes out. It's a good opportunity for everyone out there.

Looking forward to see your works.

Take care of yourself!
Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuhu!

Jazak allah.

See you later with a bonus chapter of Aas-e-Ishq 😉, (any gusses which couple is awaiting you?)

Aas-e-Ishq (Hope Of Love)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ