Chapter 16

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Hello hello! I got the update on time yay!!! Haha anywho some business: my semester at school is going to be super busy/stressful but that doesn't mean that I won't upload but it probably won't be more than once a week if that. But I promise that I will update the story so if it goes a week and there hasn't been an update don't panic. Will be up before the second week ends.

Enjoy! Vote and Comment!! P.S.- the drama begins :)


When the car finally pulled to a stop in front of my house, the tension increased tenfold at the sight that awaited us. The rest of the pack was already standing guard in front of the house. The only person I could see missing was Jacob. I scanned the forest surrounding the house but couldn’t make out anything. The Stark pack mustn’t have shown up yet.

            Leah and Jared shuffled from the car. Embry came around and grabbed my hand. I could see the anxiety in how he walked. Shoulders stiff. Muscles flexing in his arms. The brooding look on his face that meant he was mad about something. That something being the pack coming to take me. I squeezed his hand that held mine for reassurance. He looked down at me as we walked. His face softening a fraction before he turned back towards the front, all business.

            “Sam, what’s going on? Where is Emily?” I said once we reached the rest of the group. Everyone wore serious expressions. Sam was the same but I could see the worry in his eyes. He wrapped me in a hug which was made awkward by the fact that Seth wouldn’t let go of my hand.

            “She’s inside where it’s safe. Jacob was out on patrol and a group of shifters appeared at our border. They asked to speak with me about a proposition. Jacob is escorting them here just in case anything goes wrong,” he said, his voice tight. The sun was starting to dip below the trees but hopefully the light would hold until we got this settled.

            “Why can’t we just fight them when Jacob brings them? They won’t be expecting it,” Seth said pulling me back away from Sam. I knew it wasn’t meant to be a challenging gesture. He just wanted me near and I couldn’t argue with it. On the outside I might not be showing signs of worry but on the inside I was shaking like a leaf. I clung to Seth’s hand as if it was putting the oxygen in my lungs. I was afraid if I let go, the concern would overwhelm me.

            Paul made a noise of agreement but Sam just shook his head. “They aren’t showing any signs of aggression. We won’t just ambush them in an attack. I need to give them the chance to speak their case,” he said.

            “They are here about Faye. That’s reason enough for me,” Seth replied through clenched teeth. I rubbed his arm soothingly. We didn’t need members of the pack at each other’s throat when there was another threat on its way. Seth relaxed under my touch if only slightly.

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